

Plugin to control Chromecast devices.


  # [Optional]
  # Default Chromecast to cast to if no name is specified.
  # chromecast:   # type=Optional[str]

  # [Optional]
  # How often the plugin should poll for new/removed
  # Chromecast devices (default: 30 seconds).
  # poll_interval: 30  # type=float

  # [Optional]
  # Directories that will be scanned for media files when
  # a search is performed (default: none)
  # media_dirs:   # type=Optional[List[str]]

  # [Optional]
  # Directory where external resources/torrents will be
  # downloaded (default: ~/Downloads)
  # download_dir:   # type=Optional[str]

  # [Optional]
  # Environment variables key-values to pass to the
  # player executable (e.g. DISPLAY, XDG_VTNR, PULSE_SINK etc.)
  # env:   # type=Optional[Dict[str, str]]

  # [Optional]
  # Default volume for the player (default: None, maximum volume).
  # volume:   # type=Union[float, int, NoneType]

  # [Optional]
  # Optional plugin to be used for torrent download. Possible values:
  # - ``torrent`` - native ``libtorrent``-based plugin (default, recommended)
  # - ``rtorrent`` - torrent support over rtorrent RPC/XML interface
  # - ``webtorrent`` - torrent support over webtorrent (unstable)
  # torrent_plugin: torrent  # type=str

  # [Optional]
  # Select the preferred video/audio format for
  # YouTube videos - and any media supported by youtube-dl or the
  # selected fork. See the `youtube-dl documentation
  # <>`_ for more
  # info on supported formats. Default:
  # ``bv*[height<=?1080][ext=mp4]+bestaudio/best`` - select the best
  # mp4 video with a resolution <= 1080p, and the best audio format.
  # youtube_format: bv[height<=?1080][ext=mp4]+ba  # type=Optional[str]

  # [Optional]
  # Path to the ``youtube-dl`` executable, used to
  # extract information from YouTube videos and other media platforms.
  # Default: ``yt-dlp``. The default has changed from ``youtube-dl`` to
  # the ``yt-dlp`` fork because the former is badly maintained and its
  # latest release was pushed in 2021.
  # youtube_dl: yt-dlp  # type=str

  # [Optional]
  # How long we should wait for any running
  # threads/processes to stop before exiting (default: 5 seconds).
  # stop_timeout: 5  # type=Optional[float]

  # [Optional]
  # If set to True then the plugin will not monitor
  # for new events. This is useful if you want to run a plugin in
  # stateless mode and only leverage its actions, without triggering any
  # events. Defaults to False.
  # disable_monitor: False  # type=bool



pip install pychromecast


apk add py3-pychromecast


apt install python3-pychromecast


yum install python-chromecast


Module reference#

class str | None = None, poll_interval: float = 30, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: MediaPlugin, RunnablePlugin

Plugin to control Chromecast devices.

__init__(chromecast: str | None = None, poll_interval: float = 30, **kwargs)[source]#
  • chromecast – Default Chromecast to cast to if no name is specified.

  • poll_interval – How often the plugin should poll for new/removed Chromecast devices (default: 30 seconds).

cancel_download(url: str | None = None, path: str | None = None)#

Cancel a download in progress.

Either the URL or the path must be specified.

  • url – URL of the download.

  • path – Path of the download (default: any path associated with the URL).

clear_downloads(url: str | None = None, path: str | None = None)#

Clear completed/cancelled downloads from the queue.

  • url – URL of the download (default: all downloads).

  • path – Path of the download (default: any path associated with the URL).

disconnect(chromecast: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Disconnect a Chromecast and wait for it to terminate

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

  • timeout – Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination).

download(url: str, filename: str | None = None, directory: str | None = None, timeout: int = 10, sync: bool = False, only_audio: bool = False, youtube_format: str | None = None)#

Download a media URL to a local file on the Platypush host (yt-dlp required for YouTube URLs).

This action is non-blocking and returns the path to the downloaded file once the download is initiated.

You can then subscribe to these events to monitor the download progress:

  • url – Media URL.

  • filename – Media filename (default: inferred from the URL basename).

  • directory – Destination directory (default: download_dir).

  • timeout – Network timeout in seconds (default: 10).

  • sync – If set to True, the download will be synchronous and the action will return only when the download is completed.

  • youtube_format – Override the default youtube_format setting.


The absolute path to the downloaded file.

get_downloads(url: str | None = None, path: str | None = None)#

Get the download threads.

  • url – URL of the download (default: all downloads).

  • path – Path of the download (default: any path associated with the URL).


    "ended_at": "2024-07-16T18:25:27.204236+00:00",
    "path": "/path/to/download/video.mp4",
    "size": 1024,
    "started_at": "2024-07-16T18:25:27.204210+00:00",
    "state": "Download state",
    "timeout": 60,
    "url": ""


Get the duration of a media file in seconds. Requires ffmpeg

join(chromecast: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Blocks the thread until the Chromecast connection is terminated.

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

  • timeout – Number of seconds to wait for disconnection (default: None: block until termination).

load(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Alias for play().


Implementation of the main loop of the plugin.

mute(chromecast: str | None = None)[source]#

Toggle the mute status on the Chromecast


chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.


Play the next item in the queue

pause(*_, chromecast: str | None = None, **__)[source]#

Pause the current media on the Chromecast.

pause_download(url: str | None = None, path: str | None = None)#

Pause a download in progress.

Either the URL or the path must be specified.

  • url – URL of the download.

  • path – Path of the download (default: any path associated with the URL).

play(resource: str, *_, content_type: str | None = None, chromecast: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, image_url: str | None = None, autoplay: bool = True, current_time: int = 0, stream_type: str = 'BUFFERED', subtitles: str | None = None, subtitles_lang: str = 'en-US', subtitles_mime: str = 'text/vtt', subtitle_id: int = 1, **__)[source]#

Cast media to an available Chromecast device.

  • resource – Media to cast

  • content_type – Content type as a MIME type string

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

  • title – Optional title

  • image_url – URL of the image to use for the thumbnail

  • autoplay – Set it to false if you don’t want the content to start playing immediately (default: true)

  • current_time – Time to start the playback in seconds (default: 0)

  • stream_type – Type of stream to cast. Can be BUFFERED (default), LIVE or UNKNOWN

  • subtitles – URL of the subtitles to be shown

  • subtitles_lang – Subtitles language (default: en-US)

  • subtitles_mime – Subtitles MIME type (default: text/vtt)

  • subtitle_id – ID of the subtitles to be loaded (default: 1)

quit(chromecast: str | None = None)[source]#

Exits the current app on the Chromecast


chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

resume_download(url: str | None = None, path: str | None = None)#

Resume a paused download.

Either the URL or the path must be specified.

  • url – URL of the download.

  • path – Path of the download (default: any path associated with the URL).

search(query: str, types: Iterable[str] | None = None, queue_results: bool = False, autoplay: bool = False, timeout: float = 60)#

Perform a video search.

  • query – Query string, video name or partial name

  • types – Video types to search (default: ["youtube", "file", "torrent"])

  • queue_results – Append the results to the current playing queue (default: False)

  • autoplay – Play the first result of the search (default: False)

  • timeout – Search timeout (default: 60 seconds)

set_volume(volume: float, chromecast: str | None = None)[source]#

Set the Chromecast volume

  • volume – Volume to be set, between 0 and 100.

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.


Start the plugin.

start_streaming(media: str, subtitles: str | None = None, download: bool = False)#

Starts streaming local media over the specified HTTP port. The stream will be available to HTTP clients on http://{this-ip}:{http_backend_port}/media/<media_id>

  • media – Media to stream

  • subtitles – Path or URL to the subtitles track to be used

  • download – Set to True if you prefer to download the file from the streaming link instead of streaming it


dict containing the streaming URL.Example:

    "id": "0123456abcdef.mp4",
    "source": "file:///mnt/media/movies/movie.mp4",
    "mime_type": "video/mp4",
    "url": ""
status(chromecast: str | None = None)[source]#

The status of a Chromecast (if chromecast is specified) or all the discovered/available Chromecasts. Format:

  "type": "cast",  // Can be "cast" or "audio"
  "name": "Living Room TV",
  "manufacturer": "Google Inc.",
  "model_name": "Chromecast",
  "uuid": "f812afac-80ff-11ee-84dc-001500e8f607",
  "address": "",
  "port": 8009,
  "status": {
    "app": {
      "id": "CC1AD845",
      "name": "Default Media Receiver"
    "is_active_input": false,
    "is_stand_by": true,
    "is_idle": true,
    "namespaces": [
    "volume": 100,
    "muted": false,
    "adjusted_current_time": 14.22972,
    "album_artist": null,
    "album_name": null,
    "artist": null,
    "url": "https://some/video.mp4",
    "content_type": "video/mp4",
    "current_subtitle_tracks": [],
    "position": 1.411891,
    "duration": 253.376145,
    "episode": null,
    "idle_reason": null,
    "images": [
    "last_updated": "2023-11-12T02:03:33.888843",
    "media_custom_data": {},
    "media_is_generic": true,
    "media_is_movie": false,
    "media_is_musictrack": false,
    "media_is_photo": false,
    "media_is_tvshow": false,
    "media_metadata": {
      "title": "Some media",
      "thumb": "https://some/image.jpg",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://some/image.jpg"
      "metadataType": 0
    "media_session_id": 1,
    "metadata_type": 0,
    "playback_rate": 1,
    "player_is_idle": false,
    "player_is_paused": false,
    "player_is_playing": true,
    "state": "play",
    "season": null,
    "series_title": null,
    "stream_type": "BUFFERED",
    "stream_type_is_buffered": true,
    "stream_type_is_live": false,
    "subtitle_tracks": [],
    "supported_media_commands": 12303,
    "supports_pause": true,
    "supports_queue_next": false,
    "supports_queue_prev": false,
    "seekable": true,
    "supports_skip_backward": false,
    "supports_skip_forward": false,
    "supports_stream_mute": true,
    "supports_stream_volume": true,
    "title": "Some media",
    "track": null

stop(*_, chromecast: str | None = None, **__)[source]#

Stop the plugin.

voldown(chromecast: str | None = None, step: float = 10, **_)[source]#

Turn down the Chromecast volume by 10% or step.

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

  • step – Volume decrement between 0 and 100 (default: 10%).

volup(chromecast: str | None = None, step: float = 10, **_)[source]#

Turn up the Chromecast volume by 10% or step.

  • chromecast – Chromecast to cast to. If none is specified, then the default configured Chromecast will be used.

  • step – Volume increment between 0 and 100 (default: 10%).


Wait until a stop event is received.