

Plugin to generate and scan QR and bar codes.


  # [Optional]
  # Name of the plugin that will be used as a camera
  # to capture images (e.g. ``camera.cv`` or ``camera.pi``). This is
  # required if you want to use the ``start_scanning`` action to scan
  # QR codes from a camera.
  # camera_plugin:   # type=Optional[str]

Triggered events#


Module reference#

class platypush.plugins.qrcode.QrcodePlugin(camera_plugin: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Plugin

Plugin to generate and scan QR and bar codes.

__init__(camera_plugin: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

camera_plugin – Name of the plugin that will be used as a camera to capture images (e.g. camera.cv or camera.pi). This is required if you want to use the start_scanning action to scan QR codes from a camera.

decode(image_file: str) dict[source]#

Decode a QR code from an image file.


image_file – Path of the image file.


  "image_file": "/tmp/qr_code.png",
  "results": "Decoded QR code results"

generate(content: str | bytes, binary: bool = False, output_file: str | None = None, show: bool = False, format: str = 'png') dict[source]#

Generate a QR code.

If you configured the platypush.backend.http.HttpBackend then you can also generate codes directly from the browser through http://<host>:<port>/qrcode?content=....

  • content – Text, URL or content of the QR code.

  • binary – If True then the content will be treated as binary data. Content needs to be either a bytes object or a base64-encoded string.

  • output_file – If set then the QR code will be exported in the specified image file. Otherwise, a base64-encoded representation of its binary content will be returned in the response as data.

  • show – If True, and if the device where the application runs has an active display, then the generated QR code will be shown on display.

  • format – Output image format (default: png).


  "format": "png",
  "image_file": "/tmp/qr_code.png",
  "text": "https://platypush.tech"

start_scanning(camera_plugin: str | None = None, duration: float | None = None, n_codes: int | None = None) List[dict] | None[source]#

Decode QR-codes and bar codes using a camera.

  • camera_plugin – Camera plugin (overrides default camera_plugin).

  • duration – How long the capturing phase should run (default: until stop_scanning or app termination).

  • n_codes – Stop after decoding this number of codes (default: None).


    "data": "https://platypush.tech",
    "rect": "Rectangle in the image where the QR code was found",
    "type": "QRCODE"