

This plugin can be used to monitor one or more HTTP log files (tested on Apache and Nginx) and trigger events whenever a new log line is added.


  # [Required]
  # List of log files to be monitored.
  paths:   # type=Iterable[str]

  # [Optional]

  # log_files:   # type=Optional[Iterable[str]]

  # [Optional]
  # How often the `RunnablePlugin.loop <https://docs.platypush.tech/platypush/plugins/.html#platypush.plugins.RunnablePlugin.loop>`_ function should be
  # executed (default: 15 seconds). *NOTE*: For back-compatibility
  # reasons, the `poll_seconds` argument is also supported, but it's
  # deprecated.
  # poll_interval: 15  # type=Optional[float]

  # [Optional]
  # How long we should wait for any running
  # threads/processes to stop before exiting (default: 5 seconds).
  # stop_timeout: 5  # type=Optional[float]

  # [Optional]
  # If set to True then the plugin will not monitor
  # for new events. This is useful if you want to run a plugin in
  # stateless mode and only leverage its actions, without triggering any
  # events. Defaults to False.
  # disable_monitor: False  # type=bool



pip install watchdog


apk add py3-watchdog


apt install python3-watchdog


yum install python-watchdog

Arch Linux

pacman -S python-watchdog

Triggered events#

Module reference#

class platypush.plugins.log.http.LogEventHandler(*args: Any, **_)[source]#

Bases: EventHandler

class FileResource(path: str, pos: int = 0, lock: <function RLock at 0x70b4862ca160> = <unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0 at 0x70b472712d00>, last_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

__init__(path: str, pos: int = 0, lock: ~threading.RLock = <unlocked _thread.RLock object owner=0 count=0>, last_timestamp: ~datetime.datetime | None = None) None#
__init__(*args, monitored_files: Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#
class platypush.plugins.log.http.LogHttpPlugin(paths: Iterable[str], log_files: Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: FileMonitorPlugin

This plugin can be used to monitor one or more HTTP log files (tested on Apache and Nginx) and trigger events whenever a new log line is added.

__init__(paths: Iterable[str], log_files: Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

paths – List of log files to be monitored.

static event_handler_from_resource(resource: str) LogEventHandler[source]#

Create a file system event handler from a string, dictionary or MonitoredResource resource.