
class platypush.message.event.kafka.KafkaMessageEvent(*args, msg: str | list | dict, topic: str, host: str, port: int, partition: int, offset: int, timestamp: float, key: str | None = None, headers: Iterable | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Event

Kafka message event object. Fired when platypush.backend.kafka receives a new event.

__init__(*args, msg: str | list | dict, topic: str, host: str, port: int, partition: int, offset: int, timestamp: float, key: str | None = None, headers: Iterable | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#
  • msg – Received message. If the message is a JSON string, it will be returned as a dict or list. If it’s a binary blob, it will be returned as a base64-encoded string.

  • topic – Topic where the message was received.

  • host – Host where the message was received.

  • port – Port where the message was received.

  • partition – Partition where the message was received.

  • offset – Offset of the message.

  • timestamp – Timestamp of the message.

  • key – Optional message key.

  • headers – Optional message headers.


Converts the event into a dictionary

classmethod build(msg)#

Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a dictionary, or another Event


If the event matches an event condition, it will return an EventMatchResult :param condition: The platypush.event.hook.EventCondition object

classmethod parse(msg)#

Parse a generic message into a key-value dictionary


msg – Original message. It can be a dictionary, a Message, or a string/bytearray, as long as it’s valid UTF-8 JSON

classmethod to_dict(msg)#

Converts a Message object into a dictionary


msg – Message object