

IRC integration.

This plugin allows you to easily create IRC bots with custom logic that reacts to IRC events and interact with IRC sessions.


  # [Required]
  # List of servers/channels that the bot will
  # automatically connect/join. Format:
  #   .. code-block:: yaml
  #     servers:
  #       - server:
  #         port: 6697
  #         ssl: true
  #         ipv6: false
  #         username: foo
  #         password: bar
  #         nickname: testbot
  #         realname: Test Bot
  #         # List of channels that the bot will automatically join
  #         channels:
  #           - #channel1
  #           - #channel2
  #           - #channel3
  servers:   # type=Sequence[dict]

  # [Optional]
  # How often the `RunnablePlugin.loop <>`_ function should be
  # executed (default: 15 seconds). *NOTE*: For back-compatibility
  # reasons, the `poll_seconds` argument is also supported, but it's
  # deprecated.
  # poll_interval: 15  # type=Optional[float]

  # [Optional]
  # How long we should wait for any running
  # threads/processes to stop before exiting (default: 5 seconds).
  # stop_timeout: 5  # type=Optional[float]

  # [Optional]
  # If set to True then the plugin will not monitor
  # for new events. This is useful if you want to run a plugin in
  # stateless mode and only leverage its actions, without triggering any
  # events. Defaults to False.
  # disable_monitor: False  # type=bool



pip install irc


apt install python3-irc


yum install python-irc

Arch Linux

pacman -S python-irc

Triggered events#


Module reference#

class platypush.plugins.irc.IrcPlugin(servers: Sequence[dict], **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: RunnablePlugin, ChatPlugin

IRC integration.

This plugin allows you to easily create IRC bots with custom logic that reacts to IRC events and interact with IRC sessions.

__init__(servers: Sequence[dict], **kwargs)[source]#


List of servers/channels that the bot will automatically connect/join. Format:

  - server:
    port: 6697
    ssl: true
    ipv6: false
    username: foo
    password: bar
    nickname: testbot
    realname: Test Bot

    # List of channels that the bot will automatically join
      - #channel1
      - #channel2
      - #channel3

channel(server: str | Tuple[str, int], channel: str) dict[source]#

Get information about a connected channel.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • channel


  "is_invite_only": false,
  "is_moderated": false,
  "is_protected": false,
  "is_secret": false,
  "modes": [
  "name": "string",
  "opers": [
  "owners": [
  "users": [
  "voiced": [

disconnect(server: str | Tuple[str, int], message: str | None = None)[source]#

Disconnect from a server.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • message – Disconnect message (default: configured stop_message.

invite(nick: str, channel: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Invite a nick to a channel.

  • nick – Target IRC nick.

  • channel – Target IRC channel.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

join(channel: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Join a channel.

  • channel – Target IRC channel.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

kick(nick: str, channel: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], reason: str | None = None)[source]#

Kick a nick from a channel.

  • nick – Target IRC nick.

  • channel – Target IRC channel.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • reason – Kick reason.


Implementation of the main loop of the plugin.

mode(target: str, command: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Send a MODE command on the selected target.

  • target – IRC target.

  • command – Mode command.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

oper(nick: str, password: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Send an OPER command.

  • nick – IRC nick.

  • password – Nick password.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

part(channel: str | Sequence[str], server: str | Tuple[str, int], message: str | None = None)[source]#

Parts/exits a channel.

  • channel – IRC channel (or list of channels).

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • message – Optional part message (default: same as the bot’s stop_message).

quit(server: str | Tuple[str, int], message: str | None = None)[source]#

Send a QUIT command.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • message – Optional quit message (default: same as the bot’s stop_message).

send_ctcp_message(ctcp_type: str, body: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], target: str)[source]#

Send a CTCP message to a target.

  • ctcp_type – CTCP message type.

  • body – Message content.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • target – Message target.

send_ctcp_reply(body: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], target: str)[source]#

Send a CTCP REPLY command.

  • body – Message content.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • target – Message target.

send_file(file: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], nick: str, bind_address: str | None = None)[source]#

Send a file to an IRC user over DCC connection. Note that passive connections are currently not supported.

  • file – Path of the file that should be transferred.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • nick – Target IRC nick.

  • bind_address – DCC listen bind address (default: any).

send_message(text: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], target: str | Sequence[str])[source]#

Send a message to a channel or a nick.

  • text – Message content.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • target – Message target (nick or channel). If it’s a list then the message will be sent to multiple targets.

send_notice(text: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], target: str)[source]#

Send a notice to a channel or a nick.

  • text – Message content.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • target – Message target (nick or channel).

send_raw(message: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Send a raw IRC message to a connected server.

  • message – IRC message.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

servers() Sequence[dict][source]#

Get information about the connected servers.


    "alias": "strippedstring",
    "connected_channels": [
    "is_connected": false,
    "nickname": "string",
    "port": 38,
    "real_name": "string",
    "server": "strippedstring"

set_nick(nick: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Set the IRC nick.

  • nick – New IRC nick.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.


Start the plugin.


Stop the plugin.

topic(channel: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int], topic: str | None = None) str[source]#

Get/set the topic of an IRC channel.

  • channel – IRC channel.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.

  • topic – If specified, then set the new topic as channel topic. Otherwise, just return the current channel topic.


Wait until a stop event is received.

whois(target: str, server: str | Tuple[str, int])[source]#

Send a WHOIS command for a target.

  • target – IRC target.

  • server – IRC server, identified either by alias or (server, port) tuple.