The Web interface

The Web interface#

Other Web panels#

Besides the built-in panels that we’ve already seen in the other sections, Several integrations add their own feature-rich panels to the Web view, turning Platypush into a gateway to all of your services - from Zigbee sensors, to media players and services, to your music cloud, and more.

For example, the music view is available to most of the music plugins.

Screenshot of one of the musicpanels

Screenshot of the Snapcast panel, which can be used to synchronize your musicstreams across multipledevices

Another example is the camera panel, to monitor your cameras, get stand-alone feed URLs, and take photos. This becomes available in the UI if you enable at least a camera plugin.

Camera panel screenshot1

If you enabled at least one local media plugin (like media.vlc, media.mplayer etc.) then you’ll also unlock the media UI, which allows you to index, search, view and cast media files under the configured media_dirs, and it also integrates with other configured/supported backends such as YouTube, Plex and Jellyfin.

Media panel screenshot1


The web service also provides means for the user to create custom dashboards that can be used to show information from multiple sources on a large screen.

Screenshot of a Platypush dashboard, showing a calendar widget, the currentmusic state, weather, news from the RSS integration, and a carousel of custompictures.

PWA support#

Note that having the web application served over SSL is a requirement for the PWA (progressive web app) to work. The Platypush PWA allows you to install a Platypush native-like client on your mobile devices if you don’t want to use the full Android app.

Mobile app#

An official Android app is provided on the F-Droid store. It allows to easily discover and manage multiple Platypush services on a network through the web interface, and it easily brings the power of Platypush to your fingertips.

Browser extension#

A browser extension is available for Chrome and Firefox.

The browser extension allows you to run Platypush actions and procedures directly from your browser, associate keybindings with them, so you can run your favourite routines with a few keystrokes anywhere in your browser, and provides an advanced API to interact with the Web pages you visit - for example, you can build an action that gets the content of a page you’re visiting and uses Platypush to distill it in readable format, or send the URL to another service.