- class platypush.message.event.joystick.JoystickConnectedEvent(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Event triggered upon joystick connection.
- __init__(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)#
- Parameters:
device –
Joystick device info as a dictionary:
{ "name": "Xbox 360 Controller", "number": "Joystick number", "path": "/dev/input/event0", "protocol": "usb" }
- as_dict()#
Converts the event into a dictionary
- classmethod build(msg)#
Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a dictionary, or another Event
- matches_condition(condition)#
If the event matches an event condition, it will return an EventMatchResult :param condition: The platypush.event.hook.EventCondition object
- classmethod parse(msg)#
Parse a generic message into a key-value dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Original message. It can be a dictionary, a Message, or a string/bytearray, as long as it’s valid UTF-8 JSON
- classmethod to_dict(msg)#
Converts a Message object into a dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Message object
- class platypush.message.event.joystick.JoystickDisconnectedEvent(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Event triggered upon joystick disconnection.
- __init__(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)#
- Parameters:
device –
Joystick device info as a dictionary:
{ "name": "Xbox 360 Controller", "number": "Joystick number", "path": "/dev/input/event0", "protocol": "usb" }
- as_dict()#
Converts the event into a dictionary
- classmethod build(msg)#
Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a dictionary, or another Event
- matches_condition(condition)#
If the event matches an event condition, it will return an EventMatchResult :param condition: The platypush.event.hook.EventCondition object
- classmethod parse(msg)#
Parse a generic message into a key-value dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Original message. It can be a dictionary, a Message, or a string/bytearray, as long as it’s valid UTF-8 JSON
- classmethod to_dict(msg)#
Converts a Message object into a dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Message object
- class platypush.message.event.joystick.JoystickEvent(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Base joystick event class.
- __init__(device: dict, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
- Parameters:
device –
Joystick device info as a dictionary:
{ "name": "Xbox 360 Controller", "number": "Joystick number", "path": "/dev/input/event0", "protocol": "usb" }
- as_dict()#
Converts the event into a dictionary
- classmethod build(msg)#
Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a dictionary, or another Event
- matches_condition(condition)#
If the event matches an event condition, it will return an EventMatchResult :param condition: The platypush.event.hook.EventCondition object
- classmethod parse(msg)#
Parse a generic message into a key-value dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Original message. It can be a dictionary, a Message, or a string/bytearray, as long as it’s valid UTF-8 JSON
- classmethod to_dict(msg)#
Converts a Message object into a dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Message object
- class platypush.message.event.joystick.JoystickStateEvent(*args, state: dict, **kwargs)[source]#
Base joystick state event class.
- __init__(*args, state: dict, **kwargs)[source]#
- Parameters:
state –
Joystick state as a dictionary:
{ "a": 1, "b": 1, "back": 1, "down_dir_pad": 1, "left_bumper": 1, "left_dir_pad": 1, "left_joystick_x": 0.5, "left_joystick_y": 0.5, "left_thumb": 1, "left_trigger": 0.5, "right_bumper": 1, "right_dir_pad": 1, "right_joystick_x": 0.5, "right_joystick_y": 0.5, "right_thumb": 1, "right_trigger": 0.5, "start": 1, "up_dir_pad": 1, "x": 1, "y": 1 }
- as_dict()#
Converts the event into a dictionary
- classmethod build(msg)#
Builds an event message from a JSON UTF-8 string/bytearray, a dictionary, or another Event
- matches_condition(condition)#
If the event matches an event condition, it will return an EventMatchResult :param condition: The platypush.event.hook.EventCondition object
- classmethod parse(msg)#
Parse a generic message into a key-value dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Original message. It can be a dictionary, a Message, or a string/bytearray, as long as it’s valid UTF-8 JSON
- classmethod to_dict(msg)#
Converts a Message object into a dictionary
- Parameters:
msg – Message object