import contextlib
import json
import queue
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Timer
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse
from platypush.entities import (
from platypush.entities.batteries import Battery
from platypush.entities.devices import Device
from platypush.entities.dimmers import Dimmer
from platypush.entities.electricity import (
from platypush.entities.humidity import HumiditySensor
from platypush.entities.illuminance import IlluminanceSensor
from platypush.entities.lights import Light
from platypush.entities.sensors import BinarySensor, EnumSensor, NumericSensor
from platypush.entities.switches import EnumSwitch, Switch
from platypush.entities.temperature import TemperatureSensor
from platypush.message.event.zwave import (
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.message.response import Response
from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin
from platypush.plugins.mqtt import MqttPlugin, action
from platypush.plugins.zwave._constants import command_class_by_name
from ._state import IdType, State
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
class ZwaveMqttPlugin(
This plugin allows you to manage a Z-Wave network over MQTT through
`zwave-js-ui <>`_.
Configuration required on the zwave-js-ui gateway:
* Install the gateway following the instructions reported
`here <>`_.
* Configure the following settings from the zwave-js-ui web panel:
* Zwave -> Serial Port: The path to your Z-Wave adapter.
* Disabled MQTT Gateway: Set to false.
* Configure the MQTT server that should be used by the service.
* Mqtt -> Name: Unique name that identifies your gateway.
* Mqtt -> Prefix: Prefix name for the topics published to MQTT.
* Gateway -> Topic type: Set to "ValueID topics".
* Gateway -> Payload type: Set to "JSON Time-Value".
* Gateway -> Use nodes name instead of numeric nodeIDs: Set to false.
* Gateway -> Send Zwave Events: Set to true.
* Gateway -> Include Node Info: Set to true.
# These classes are ignored by the entity parsing logic
_ignored_entity_classes = {
def __init__(
name: str,
host: str,
port: int = 1883,
topic_prefix: str = 'zwave',
timeout: int = 10,
tls_certfile: Optional[str] = None,
tls_keyfile: Optional[str] = None,
tls_version: Optional[str] = None,
tls_ciphers: Optional[str] = None,
username: Optional[str] = None,
password: Optional[str] = None,
:param name: Gateway name, as configured from the zwavejs2mqtt web
panel from Mqtt -> Name.
:param host: MQTT broker host, as configured from the zwavejs2mqtt web
panel from Mqtt -> Host
:param port: MQTT broker listen port, as configured from the
zwavejs2mqtt web panel from Mqtt -> Port (default: 1883).
:param topic_prefix: MQTT topic prefix, as specified from the
zwavejs2mqtt web panel from Mqtt -> Prefix (default: ``zwave``).
:param timeout: If the command expects from a response, then this
timeout value will be used (default: 10 seconds).
:param tls_cafile: If the connection requires TLS/SSL, specify the
certificate authority file (default: None)
:param tls_certfile: If the connection requires TLS/SSL, specify the
certificate file (default: None)
:param tls_keyfile: If the connection requires TLS/SSL, specify the key
file (default: None)
:param tls_version: If the connection requires TLS/SSL, specify the
minimum TLS supported version (default: None)
:param tls_ciphers: If the connection requires TLS/SSL, specify the
supported ciphers (default: None)
:param username: If the connection requires user authentication,
specify the username (default: None)
:param password: If the connection requires user authentication,
specify the password (default: None)
self.topic_prefix = topic_prefix
self.base_topic = topic_prefix + '/{}/ZWAVE_GATEWAY-' + name
self.events_topic = self.base_topic.format('_EVENTS')
self.events_topic + '/node/' + topic
for topic in [
self._state = State()
def _api_topic(self, api: str) -> str:
return self.base_topic.format('_CLIENTS') + f'/api/{api}'
def _parse_response(response: Union[dict, Response]) -> dict:
if isinstance(response, Response):
assert not response.is_error(), response.errors[0]
rs: dict = (
response.output if isinstance(response, Response) else response
) # type: ignore
assert rs.get('success') is True, rs.get('message', 'zwavejs2mqtt error')
return rs
def _api_request(self, api: str, *args: Any, **kwargs):
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict):
args = args[0] # type: ignore
payload = json.dumps({'args': args})
ret = self._parse_response(
topic=self._api_topic(api) + '/set',
assert not ret or ret.get('success') is True, ret.get('message')
return ret.get('result')
def _convert_timestamp(t: Optional[int]) -> Optional[datetime]:
if t:
return datetime.fromtimestamp(t / 1000)
return None
def _get_scene(
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
assert not (
scene_id is None and scene_label is None
), 'No scene_id/scene_label specified'
scene = self._state.scenes.get((scene_id, scene_label))
if scene:
return scene
scene = self._state.scenes.get((scene_id, scene_label))
assert scene, f'No such scene: scene_id={scene_id}, scene_label={scene_label}'
return scene
def group_to_dict(cls, group: dict, node_id: Optional[int] = None) -> dict:
return {
'label': group['text'],
'index': group['value'],
'node_id': node_id,
'group_id': f'{node_id}:{group["value"]}' if node_id is not None else None,
'multichannel': group['multiChannel'],
'max_associations': group['maxNodes'],
def _get_type(cls, value: dict) -> str:
if value.get('list'):
if len(value.get('states', [])) > 1:
return 'List'
if value.get('min') is not None and value.get('max') is not None:
return 'Decimal'
if value['type'] == 'boolean':
return 'Bool'
if value['type'] == 'number':
return 'Decimal'
if value['type'] == 'string':
return 'String'
return value['type'].capitalize()
def value_to_dict(cls, value: dict) -> dict:
is_read_only = (
if 'is_read_only' in value
else value.get('readable') and not value.get('writeable')
is_write_only = (
if 'is_write_only' in value
else not value.get('readable') and value.get('writeable')
return {
'id': value['id'],
'id_on_network': value['id'],
'value_id': value['id'],
'data': value.get('value'),
'data_items': value['states'] if len(value.get('states', [])) > 1 else None,
'label': value.get(
'label', value.get('propertyName', value.get('property'))
'property_id': value.get('property'),
'help': value.get('description', value.get('help')),
'node_id': value.get('nodeId'),
'parent_id': value.get('nodeId'),
'type': cls._get_type(value),
'default': value.get('default'),
'endpoint': value.get('endpoint'),
'stateless': value.get('stateless'),
'command_class': value.get('commandClass'),
'command_class_name': value.get('commandClassName'),
'units': value.get('unit'),
'min': value.get('min'),
'max': value.get('max'),
'is_read_only': is_read_only,
'is_write_only': is_write_only,
'last_update': cls._convert_timestamp(value.get('lastUpdate')),
{'property_key': value['propertyKey']} if 'propertyKey' in value else {}
{'property_key_name': value['propertyKeyName']}
if 'propertyKeyName' in value
else {}
def _get_value_id(value: dict) -> str:
return f'{value["nodeId"]}-{value["commandClass"]}-{value.get("endpoint", 0)}-{value["property"]}'
def scene_to_dict(cls, scene: dict) -> dict:
return {
'scene_id': scene.pop('sceneid', None),
'values': {
cls._get_value_id(value): {
'node_id': value['nodeId'],
'value_id': cls._get_value_id(value),
'id_on_network': cls._get_value_id(value),
'data': value.get('value'),
for value in scene.pop('values', [])
def node_to_dict(cls, node: dict) -> dict:
capabilities = []
if node.get('supportsBeaming'):
capabilities += ['beaming']
if node.get('supportsSecurity'):
capabilities += ['security']
if node.get('isRouting'):
capabilities += ['routing']
if node.get('zwavePlusVersion'):
capabilities += ['zwave_plus']
db_link = node.get('dbLink', node.get('db_link', ''))
device_id = node.get('hexId')
if not device_id:
if db_link:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
device_id = ':'.join(
.get('jumpTo', '')[0]
device_id = str(node['id'])
return {
'node_id': node['id'],
'device_id': device_id.replace('0x', ''),
'name': node.get('name'),
'capabilities': capabilities,
'manufacturer_id': (
if node.get('manufacturerId')
else None
'manufacturer_name': node.get('manufacturer'),
'location': node.get('loc'),
'status': node.get('status'),
'is_available': node.get('available'),
'is_awake': node.get('ready') and node.get('status') != 'Asleep',
'is_beaming_device': node.get('supportsBeaming'),
'is_controller': node.get('isControllerNode'),
'is_failed': node.get('failed'),
'is_frequent_listening_device': node.get('isFrequentListening'),
'is_info_received': node.get('interviewStage') == 'Complete',
'is_initialized': node.get('inited'),
'is_listening_device': node.get('isListening'),
'is_ready': node.get('ready'),
'is_routing_device': node.get('isRouting'),
'is_security_device': node.get('supportsSecurity'),
'is_sleeping': node.get('ready') and node.get('status') == 'Asleep',
'last_update': cls._convert_timestamp(node.get('lastActive')),
'product_id': (
f'0x{node["productId"]:04x}' if node.get('productId') else None
'product_type': (
f'0x{node["productType"]:04x}' if node.get('productType') else None
'product_name': ' '.join(
[node.get('productLabel', ''), node.get('productDescription', '')]
'baud_rate': node.get('dataRate'),
'max_baud_rate': node.get('maxBaudRate', node.get('dataRate')),
'device_class': node.get('deviceClass'),
'specific': node.get('deviceClass', {}).get('specific'),
'firmware_version': node.get('firmwareVersion'),
'keep_awake': node.get('keepAwake'),
'db_link': node.get('dbLink'),
'type': node.get('zwavePlusNodeType'),
'role': node.get('zwavePlusRoleType'),
'zwave_plus_version': node.get('zwavePlusVersion'),
'zwave_plus_node_type': node.get('zwavePlusNodeType'),
'zwave_plus_role_type': node.get('zwavePlusRoleType'),
'neighbours': node.get('neighbors', []),
'command_classes': {
for value in node.get('values', {}).values()
if value.get('commandClassName')
'groups': {
group['value']: cls.group_to_dict(group, node_id=node['id'])
for group in node.get('groups', [])
'values': {
value['id']: cls.value_to_dict(value)
for value in node.get('values', {}).values()
def _refresh_groups(self, **kwargs):
nodes = self._get_nodes(**kwargs)
groups = {
group['group_id']: {
'associations': [
for assoc in (
self._api_request('getAssociations', node_id, group['index'])
or []
for node_id, node in nodes.items()
for group in node.get('groups', {}).values()
self._state.groups.add(*groups.values(), overwrite=True)
def _get_groups(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[IdType, dict]:
return self._state.groups.by_id
def _refresh_scenes(self, **kwargs):
scenes = {
scene.get('sceneid'): self.scene_to_dict(scene)
for scene in (self._api_request('_getScenes', **kwargs) or [])
self._state.scenes.add(*scenes.values(), overwrite=True)
def _get_scenes(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[IdType, dict]:
return self._state.scenes.by_id
def _refresh_nodes(self, **kwargs):
nodes = {
node['id']: {'id': node['id'], **self.node_to_dict(node)}
for node in (self._api_request('getNodes', **kwargs) or [])
values = [
for node in nodes.values()
for value in node.get('values', {}).values()
# Process events for the newly received nodes
for node_id, node in nodes.items():
if node_id not in self._state.nodes:
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeAddedEvent, node=node, fetch_node=False)
elif node['name'] != self._state.nodes.get('name'):
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeRenamedEvent, node=node, fetch_node=False)
# Check if any previous node is now missing
for node_id, node in self._state.nodes.by_id.items():
if node_id not in nodes:
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeRemovedEvent, node=node, fetch_node=False)
self._state.nodes.add(*nodes.values(), overwrite=True)
self._state.values.add(*values, overwrite=True)
self.publish_entities([self._to_current_value(v) for v in values])
def _get_nodes(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[IdType, dict]:
return self._state.nodes.by_id
def _get_node(
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
use_cache: bool = True,
make_request: bool = True,
) -> dict:
assert node_id or node_name, 'Please provide either a node_id or node_name'
if use_cache:
node = self._state.nodes.get((node_id, node_name))
if node:
return node
assert make_request, f'No such node: {node_id or node_name}'
return self._get_node(
def _get_value(
value_id: Optional[str] = None,
id_on_network: Optional[str] = None,
value_label: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
use_cache: bool = True,
make_request: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Unlike python-openzwave, value_id and id_on_network are the same on zwavejs2mqtt
value_id = value_id or id_on_network
assert (
value_id or value_label
), 'Please provide either value_id, id_on_network or value_label'
if use_cache:
value = self._state.values.get((value_id, value_label))
if value:
if node_id or node_name:
node = self._state.nodes.get((node_id, node_name))
assert node, f'No such node: {node_id or node_name}'
assert (
value['node_id'] == node['id']
), f'No such value on node {node_id or node_name}: {value_id or value_label}'
return value
assert make_request, f'No such value: {value_id or value_label}'
return self._get_value(
def _is_target_value(value: Mapping):
return value.get('property_id') in {'targetValue', 'targetColor'}
def _is_current_value(value: Mapping):
return value.get('property_id') in {'currentValue', 'currentColor'}
def _to_current_value(self, value: dict) -> dict:
return self._get_associated_value(value, 'current')
def _to_target_value(self, value: dict) -> dict:
return self._get_associated_value(value, 'target')
def _get_associated_value(self, value: dict, target: str) -> dict:
check_func = (
self._is_target_value if target == 'current' else self._is_current_value
if not check_func(value):
return value
replace_args = (
('target', 'current') if target == 'current' else ('current', 'target')
associated_value_id = '-'.join(
+ [value['value_id'].split('-')[-1].replace(*replace_args)]
associated_value = self._state.values.get(associated_value_id)
if associated_value:
value = associated_value
return value.copy()
def _matches_classes(value: Mapping, *names: str):
classes = {command_class_by_name[name] for name in names}
return value.get('command_class', '') in classes if value else False
def _is_switch(cls, value: Mapping):
return value.get('type') == 'Bool' and not value.get('is_read_only')
def _is_dimmer(cls, value: Mapping):
return value.get('type') == 'Decimal' and not value.get('is_read_only')
def _is_enum_switch(cls, value: Mapping):
return value.get('type') == 'List' and not value.get('is_read_only')
def _is_light(cls, value: Mapping):
return (
cls._matches_classes(value, 'color')
and not {'red', 'green', 'blue'}.difference(
set(value.get('value', {}).keys())
and not value.get('is_read_only')
def _is_configuration_value(cls, value: Mapping):
return cls._matches_classes(value, 'configuration')
def _get_sensor_args(
cls, value: Mapping
) -> Tuple[Optional[Type], Optional[Mapping]]:
sensor_type, args = None, None
if value.get('is_read_only'):
if value.get('type') == 'Bool':
sensor_type, args = (
'value': value.get('data', False),
elif value.get('type') == 'List':
sensor_type, args = (
'value': value.get('data'),
'values': {
i['value']: i['text'] for i in value.get('data_items', [])
elif value.get('type') == 'Decimal':
sensor_type = NumericSensor
if'\s*power$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE):
sensor_type = PowerSensor
if'\s*voltage$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE):
sensor_type = VoltageSensor
r'\s*consumption$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE
) or'Wh$', (value.get('units') or '')):
sensor_type = EnergySensor
elif'\s*temperature$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE):
sensor_type = TemperatureSensor
r'\s*(humidity|moisture)$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE
sensor_type = HumiditySensor
r'\s*(illuminance|luminosity)$', value['property_id'], re.IGNORECASE
sensor_type = IlluminanceSensor
args = {
'value': value.get('data'),
'min': value.get('min'),
'max': value.get('max'),
'unit': value.get('units'),
return sensor_type, args
def _is_battery(cls, value: Mapping):
return (
cls._matches_classes(value, 'battery')
and value.get('is_read_only')
and value.get('type') == 'Decimal'
def _to_entity_args(self, value: dict) -> dict:
value = self._to_current_value(value)
args = {
'id': value['id'],
'name': value.get('label'),
'description': value.get('help'),
'is_read_only': value.get('is_read_only'),
'is_write_only': value.get('is_write_only'),
'is_configuration': self._is_configuration_value(value),
if value.get('last_update'):
args['updated_at'] = value['last_update']
return args
def _process_parent_entities(
self, values: Iterable[Mapping], entities: List[Entity]
parent_entities: Dict[int, Device] = {}
entities_by_id: Dict[str, Entity] = {str( e for e in entities}
for value in values:
if not (value and value.get('id')):
entity = entities_by_id.get(value['id'])
if not entity:
parent_id = value.get('parent_id')
if parent_id is None:
node = self._state.nodes.get(parent_id)
if not node:
node_id = node['node_id']
if node_id not in parent_entities:
parent = parent_entities[node_id] = Device(
node.get('is_available', False) and node.get('is_ready', False)
parent = parent_entities[node_id]
entity.parent = parent
entity.reachable = parent.reachable
def _build_external_url(node: dict) -> Optional[str]:
manufacturer_id = node.get('manufacturer_id')
product_id = node.get('product_id')
product_type = node.get('product_type')
firmware_version = node.get('firmware_version', '0.0')
if not (manufacturer_id and product_id and product_type):
return None
return (
def _merge_current_and_target_values(cls, values: Iterable[dict]) -> List[dict]:
values_by_id = OrderedDict({v.get('id'): v for v in values})
new_values = OrderedDict()
for value in values:
value = value.copy()
value_id = value.get('id')
if not value_id:
associated_value = None
associated_property_id = None
current_property_id = None
current_value = None
value_id_prefix = '-'.join(value_id.split('-')[:-1])
if cls._is_current_value(value):
associated_property_id = value['property_id'].replace(
'current', 'target'
current_property_id = value['property_id']
current_value = value
elif cls._is_target_value(value):
associated_property_id = value['property_id'].replace(
'target', 'current'
current_property_id = associated_property_id
if associated_property_id:
associated_value_id = f'{value_id_prefix}-{associated_property_id}'
associated_value = values_by_id.pop(associated_value_id, None)
if cls._is_target_value(value):
current_value = associated_value
if current_value and associated_value and current_property_id:
value = value.copy()
value_id = f'{value_id_prefix}-{current_property_id}'
value['data'] = current_value.get('data')
value['id'] = value['value_id'] = value['id_on_network'] = value_id
value['is_read_only'] = value['is_write_only'] = False
value['label'] = 'Value'
value['property_id'] = current_property_id
value['last_update'] = (
value.get('last_update') or 0,
associated_value.get('last_update') or 0,
or None
new_values[value_id] = value
return list(new_values.values())
def _filter_values(
command_classes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
filter_callback: Optional[Callable[[dict], bool]] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
nodes = (
[self._get_node(node_name=node_name, use_cache=False, **kwargs)]
if node_id or node_name
else self._get_nodes(**kwargs).values()
classes: set = {
for command_name in (command_classes or [])
values = {}
for node in nodes:
if not node:
for value in node.get('values', {}).values():
if (classes and value.get('command_class') not in classes) or (
filter_callback and not filter_callback(value)
value = self._to_current_value(value)
values[value['id_on_network']] = value
entity_values = self._merge_current_and_target_values(values.values())
self.publish_entities(entity_values) # type: ignore
return values
def _get_group(
group_id: Optional[str] = None,
group_index: Optional[int] = None,
) -> dict:
assert not (
group_id is None and group_index is None
), 'No group_id/group_index specified'
group_id = group_id or str(group_index)
group = self._state.groups.get(group_id)
if group:
return group
groups = self._get_groups(**kwargs)
assert group_id in groups, f'No such group_id: {group_id}'
return groups[group_id]
def on_mqtt_message(self):
def handler(_, __, msg):
if not msg.topic.startswith(self.events_topic):
topic = (
msg.topic[(len(self.events_topic) + 1) :].split('/').pop() # noqa: E203
data = msg.payload.decode()
if not data:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, TypeError):
data = json.loads(data)['data']
if topic == 'node_value_updated':
ZwaveValueChangedEvent, node=data[0], value=data[1]
elif topic == 'node_metadata_updated':
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeEvent, node=data[0])
elif topic == 'node_sleep':
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeAsleepEvent, node=data[0])
elif topic == 'node_wakeup':
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeAwakeEvent, node=data[0])
elif topic == 'node_ready':
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeReadyEvent, node=data[0])
elif topic == 'node_removed':
self._dispatch_event(ZwaveNodeRemovedEvent, node=data[0])
except Exception as e:
return handler
def _dispatch_event(
event_type: Type[ZwaveEvent],
node: dict,
value: Optional[dict] = None,
fetch_node: bool = True,
node_id = node.get('id')
assert node_id is not None, 'No node ID specified'
if fetch_node:
node = kwargs['node'] = self._get_node(node_id)
kwargs['node'] = node
node_values = node.get('values', {})
if node and value:
# Infer the value_id structure if it's not provided on the event
value_id = value.get('id')
if value_id is None:
value_id = f"{value['commandClass']}-{value.get('endpoint', 0)}-{value['property']}"
if 'propertyKey' in value:
value_id += '-' + str(value['propertyKey'])
# Prepend the node_id to value_id if it's not available in node['values']
# (compatibility with more recent versions of ZwaveJS that don't provide
# the value_id on the events)
if value_id not in node_values:
value_id = f"{node_id}-{value_id}"
if value_id not in node_values:
'value_id %s not found on node %s', value_id, node_id
if 'newValue' in value:
node_values[value_id]['data'] = value['newValue']
value = kwargs['value'] = node_values[value_id]
if issubclass(event_type, ZwaveNodeEvent):
# If this node_id wasn't cached before, then it's a new node
if node_id not in self._state.nodes:
event_type = ZwaveNodeAddedEvent
# If the name has changed, we have a rename event
elif node['name'] != (self._state.nodes.get(node_id) or {}).get('name'):
event_type = ZwaveNodeRenamedEvent
if event_type == ZwaveNodeRemovedEvent:
# If the node has been removed, remove it from the cache
self._state.nodes.pop(node_id, None)
# Otherwise, update the cached instance
values = node.get('values', {}).values()
evt = event_type(**kwargs)
if (
and issubclass(event_type, ZwaveValueChangedEvent)
and event_type != ZwaveValueRemovedEvent
def status(self, *_, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the current status of the Z-Wave values.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(**kwargs)
def controller_status(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the status of the controller.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
msg_queue: queue.Queue = queue.Queue()
topic = f'{self.topic_prefix}/driver/status'
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
def on_message(_, __, msg):
if msg.topic != topic:
client.on_message = on_message
status = msg_queue.get(
block=True, timeout=kwargs.get('timeout', self.timeout)
except queue.Empty as e:
raise TimeoutError('The request timed out') from e
return {
'state': status,
def add_node( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
name: str,
location: str = '',
do_security: bool = False,
timeout: int = 30,
Start the inclusion process to add a node to the network.
:param name: Name of the node to be added.
:param location: Location of the node (default: empty).
:param do_security: Whether to initialize the Network Key on the device if it supports the Security CC
:param timeout: How long the inclusion process should last, in seconds (default: 30). Specify zero or null
for no timeout.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
'name': name,
'location': location,
'force_security': do_security,
if timeout:
Timer(timeout, lambda: self._api_request('stopInclusion', **kwargs)).start()
def remove_node(self, timeout: int = 30, **kwargs):
Remove a node from the network (or, better, start the exclusion process).
:param timeout: How long the exclusion process should last, in seconds (default: 30).
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self._api_request('startExclusion', **kwargs)
if timeout:
Timer(timeout, lambda: self._api_request('stopExclusion', **kwargs)).start()
def remove_failed_node(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Remove a failed node from the network.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name).get('node_id')
assert node_id is not None, f'No such node_id: {node_id}'
self._api_request('removeFailedNode', node_id, **kwargs)
def replace_failed_node(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Replace a failed node on the network.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name).get('node_id')
assert node_id is not None, f'No such node_id: {node_id}'
self._api_request('replaceFailedNode', node_id, **kwargs)
def request_network_update(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Request a network update to a node.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name).get('node_id')
assert node_id is not None, f'No such node_id: {node_id}'
self._api_request('refreshInfo', node_id, **kwargs)
def request_node_neighbour_update(self, *_, **kwargs):
Request a neighbours list update.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self._api_request('refreshNeighbors', **kwargs)
def get_nodes(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Optional[Dict[IdType, dict]]:
Get the nodes associated to the network.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
:return: List of paired devices. Example output:
.. code-block:: json
"1": {
"node_id": 1,
"device_id": "0115-0400-0001",
"name": "Controller",
"capabilities": [
"manufacturer_id": "0x0115",
"manufacturer_name": "Z-Wave.Me",
"location": "Living Room",
"status": "Alive",
"is_available": true,
"is_awake": true,
"is_beaming_device": true,
"is_controller": true,
"is_failed": false,
"is_frequent_listening_device": false,
"is_info_received": true,
"is_initialized": true,
"is_listening_device": true,
"is_ready": true,
"is_routing_device": true,
"is_security_device": false,
"is_sleeping": false,
"last_update": "2021-04-05T19:38:07.202000",
"product_id": null,
"product_type": null,
"product_name": "UZB Z-Wave USB Stick",
"baud_rate": 100000,
"max_baud_rate": null,
"device_class": {
"basic": 2,
"generic": 2,
"specific": 1
"specific": 1,
"firmware_version": null,
"keep_awake": false,
"db_link": "",
"zwave_plus_version": null,
"zwave_plus_node_type": null,
"zwave_plus_role_type": null,
"neighbours": [
"groups": {},
"values": {}
"4": {
"node_id": 4,
"device_id": "010f-0602-1003",
"name": "TV Switch",
"capabilities": [
"manufacturer_id": "0x010f",
"manufacturer_name": "FibaroGroup",
"location": "Living Room",
"status": "Alive",
"is_available": true,
"is_awake": true,
"is_beaming_device": true,
"is_controller": false,
"is_failed": false,
"is_frequent_listening_device": false,
"is_info_received": true,
"is_initialized": true,
"is_listening_device": true,
"is_ready": true,
"is_routing_device": true,
"is_security_device": false,
"is_sleeping": false,
"last_update": "2021-04-06T00:07:44.081000",
"product_id": null,
"product_type": null,
"product_name": "Metered Wall Plug Switch",
"baud_rate": 100000,
"max_baud_rate": null,
"device_class": {
"basic": 4,
"generic": 16,
"specific": 1
"specific": 1,
"firmware_version": "3.2",
"keep_awake": false,
"db_link": "",
"zwave_plus_version": 1,
"zwave_plus_node_type": 0,
"zwave_plus_role_type": 5,
"neighbours": [
"groups": {
"1": {
"label": "Lifeline",
"index": 1,
"multichannel": true,
"max_associations": 1
"2": {
"label": "On/Off (Button)",
"index": 2,
"multichannel": true,
"max_associations": 10
"3": {
"label": "On/Off (Power)",
"index": 3,
"multichannel": true,
"max_associations": 10
"values": {
"4-37-0-currentValue": {
"id": "4-37-0-currentValue",
"id_on_network": "4-37-0-currentValue",
"value_id": "4-37-0-currentValue",
"data": true,
"data_items": null,
"label": "Current value",
"property_id": "currentValue",
"help": null,
"node_id": 4,
"parent_id": 4,
"type": "Bool",
"default": null,
"endpoint": 0,
"stateless": false,
"command_class": 37,
"command_class_name": "Binary Switch",
"units": null,
"min": null,
"max": null,
"is_read_only": true,
"is_write_only": false,
"last_update": "2021-04-05T19:38:07.587000"
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_id or node_name:
return self._get_node(
node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, use_cache=False, **kwargs
return self._get_nodes(**kwargs)
def set_node_name(
new_name: str,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
Rename a node on the network.
:param new_name: New name for the node.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by current node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name, **kwargs).get('node_id')
assert node_id, f'No such node: {node_id}'
self._api_request('setNodeName', node_id, new_name, **kwargs)
**self._get_node(node_id=node_id, **kwargs),
'name': new_name,
def set_node_location(
location: str,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
Set the location of a node.
:param location: Node location.
:param node_id: Filter by node_id.
:param node_name: Filter by current node name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name, **kwargs).get('node_id')
assert node_id, f'No such node: {node_id}'
self._api_request('setNodeLocation', node_id, location, **kwargs)
**self._get_node(node_id=node_id, **kwargs),
'location': location,
def heal(
self, *_, timeout: Optional[int] = 60, **kwargs
): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Heal network by requesting nodes rediscover their neighbours.
:param timeout: Duration of the healing process in seconds (default: 60). Set to zero or null for no timeout.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self._api_request('beginHealingNetwork', **kwargs)
if timeout:
timeout, lambda: self._api_request('stopHealingNetwork', **kwargs)
def get_value(
value_id: Optional[str] = None,
id_on_network: Optional[str] = None,
value_label: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get a value on the network.
:param value_id: Select by value_id.
:param id_on_network: Select value by id_on_network.
:param value_label: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_id: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_name: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._get_value(
def set_value(
value_id: Optional[str] = None,
id_on_network: Optional[str] = None,
value_label: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
Set a value.
:param data: Data to set for the value.
:param value_id: Select value by value_id.
:param id_on_network: Select value by id_on_network.
:param value_label: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_id: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_name: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
# Compatibility layer with the .set_value format used by
# the entities frontend
if args:
value_id = args[0]
value = self._get_value(
# Convert to target value if the value is in current value format,
# as that would usually be the writeable attribute
value = self._to_target_value(value)
'nodeId': value['node_id'],
'commandClass': value['command_class'],
'endpoint': value.get('endpoint', 0),
'property': value['property_id'],
{'propertyKey': value['property_key']}
if 'property_key' in value
else {}
def set_lights(self, lights, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Set the state for one or more Z-Wave lights.
lights = [lights] if isinstance(lights, str) else lights
for light in lights:
self.set_value(light, kwargs)
def node_heal( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Heal network node by requesting the node to rediscover their neighbours.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name, **kwargs).get('node_id')
self._api_request('healNode', node_id, **kwargs)
def node_update_neighbours(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Ask a node to update its neighbours table
(same as :meth:`platypush.plugins.zwave.mqtt.ZwaveMqttPlugin.node_heal`).
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self.node_heal(node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs)
def node_network_update(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Update the controller with network information
(same as :meth:`platypush.plugins.zwave.mqtt.ZwaveMqttPlugin.node_heal`).
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self.node_heal(node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs)
def node_refresh_info(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
Fetch up-to-date information about the node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
if node_name:
node_id = self._get_node(node_name=node_name, **kwargs).get('node_id')
self._api_request('refreshInfo', node_id, **kwargs)
def get_dimmers(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the dimmers on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['switch_multilevel', 'switch_toggle_multilevel'],
def get_node_config(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the configuration values of a node or of all the nodes on the network.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
def get_battery_levels(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the battery levels of a node or of all the nodes on the network.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['battery'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_power_levels(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the power levels of this node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['powerlevel'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_bulbs(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the bulbs/LEDs on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
filter_callback=lambda value: not value['is_read_only'],
def get_switches(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the switches on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['switch_binary', 'switch_toggle_binary', 'switch_all'],
filter_callback=lambda value: not value['is_read_only'],
def get_sensors(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the sensors on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['sensor_binary', 'sensor_multilevel', 'sensor_alarm', 'meter'],
filter_callback=lambda value: not value['is_write_only'],
def get_doorlocks(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the doorlocks on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['door_lock'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_locks(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the locks on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['lock'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_usercodes(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the usercodes on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['user_code'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_thermostats(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the thermostats on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
def get_protections(
self, node_id: Optional[int] = None, node_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the protection-compatible devices on the network or associated to a node.
:param node_id: Select node by node_id.
:param node_name: Select node by name.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
return self._filter_values(
['protection'], node_id=node_id, node_name=node_name, **kwargs
def get_groups(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[IdType, dict]:
Get the groups on the network.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
:return: A list of the available groups. Example:
.. code-block:: json
"2-2": {
"label": "Motion",
"multichannel": true,
"max_associations": 10,
"group_id": "2-2",
"node_id": 2,
"index": 2,
"associations": [
"5-3": {
"label": "Tamper",
"multichannel": true,
"max_associations": 10,
"group_id": "5-3",
"node_id": 5,
"index": 3,
"associations": [
return self._get_groups(**kwargs)
def get_scenes(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[IdType, dict]:
Get the scenes configured on the network.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
:return: dict with the following format:
.. code-block:: json
1: {
"scene_id": 1,
"label": "Scene 1",
"values": {
"4-37-0-targetValue": {
"node_id": 4,
"value_id": "4-37-0-targetValue"
"data": true
"3-112-0-Temperature": {
"node_id": 3,
"value_id": "3-112-0-Temperature",
"data": true
return self._get_scenes(**kwargs)
def create_scene(self, label: str, **kwargs):
Create a new scene.
:param label: Scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self._api_request('_createScene', label, **kwargs)
def remove_scene(
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
Remove a scene.
:param scene_id: Select by scene_id.
:param scene_label: Select by scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
scene = self._get_scene(scene_id=scene_id, scene_label=scene_label, **kwargs)
self._api_request('_removeScene', scene['scene_id'])
def activate_scene(
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
Activate a scene.
:param scene_id: Select by scene_id.
:param scene_label: Select by scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
scene = self._get_scene(scene_id=scene_id, scene_label=scene_label, **kwargs)
self._api_request('_activateScene', scene['scene_id'])
def scene_add_value(
data: Optional[Any] = None,
value_id: Optional[str] = None,
id_on_network: Optional[str] = None,
value_label: Optional[str] = None,
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
Add a value to a scene.
:param data: Data to set for the value (default: current value data).
:param value_id: Select value by value_id.
:param id_on_network: Select value by id_on_network.
:param value_label: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_id: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_name: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param scene_id: Select scene by scene_id.
:param scene_label: Select scene by scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
value = self._get_value(
scene = self._get_scene(scene_id=scene_id, scene_label=scene_label, **kwargs)
'nodeId': value['node_id'],
'commandClass': value['command_class'],
'property': value['property_id'],
'endpoint': value['endpoint'],
kwargs.get('timeout', self.timeout),
def scene_remove_value(
value_id: Optional[str] = None,
id_on_network: Optional[str] = None,
value_label: Optional[str] = None,
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
node_name: Optional[str] = None,
Remove a value from a scene.
:param value_id: Select value by value_id.
:param id_on_network: Select value by id_on_network.
:param value_label: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_id: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param node_name: Select value by [node_id/node_name, value_label]
:param scene_id: Select scene by scene_id.
:param scene_label: Select scene by scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
value = self._get_value(
scene = self._get_scene(scene_id=scene_id, scene_label=scene_label, **kwargs)
self._api_request('_removeSceneValue', scene['scene_id'], value['value_id'])
def get_scene_values(
scene_id: Optional[int] = None,
scene_label: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
Get the values associated to a scene.
:param scene_id: Select by scene_id.
:param scene_label: Select by scene label.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
scene = self._get_scene(scene_id=scene_id, scene_label=scene_label, **kwargs)
return scene.get('values', {})
def add_node_to_group( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
group_id: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
endpoint: Optional[int] = None,
Add a node to a group.
:param group_id: Group ID.
:param node_id: Node ID to be added.
:param endpoint: Add a specific endpoint of the node to the group (default: add a node association).
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
group = self._get_group(group_id, **kwargs)
assoc = {'nodeId': node_id}
if endpoint is not None:
assoc['endpoint'] = endpoint
self._api_request('addAssociations', group['node_id'], group['index'], [assoc])
def remove_node_from_group( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
group_id: Optional[str] = None,
node_id: Optional[int] = None,
endpoint: Optional[int] = None,
Remove a node from a group.
:param group_id: Group ID.
:param node_id: Node ID to be added.
:param endpoint: Node endpoint to remove (default: remove node association).
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
group = self._get_group(group_id, **kwargs)
assoc = {'nodeId': node_id}
if endpoint is not None:
assoc['endpoint'] = endpoint
'removeAssociations', group['node_id'], group['index'], [assoc]
def hard_reset(self, **_):
Perform a hard reset of the controller. It erases its network configuration settings.
The controller becomes a primary controller ready to add devices to a new network.
def on(self, device: str, *_, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Turn on a switch on a device.
:param device: ``id_on_network`` of the value to be switched on.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self.set_value(data=True, id_on_network=device, **kwargs)
def off(self, device: str, *_, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
Turn off a switch on a device.
:param device: ``id_on_network`` of the value to be switched off.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
self.set_value(data=False, id_on_network=device, **kwargs)
def toggle( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
self, device: str, *_, **kwargs
) -> dict:
Toggle a switch on a device.
:param device: ``id_on_network`` of the value to be toggled.
:param kwargs: Extra arguments to be passed to :meth:`platypush.plugins.mqtt.MqttPlugin.publish`
(default: query the default configured device).
value = self._get_value(id_on_network=device, use_cache=False, **kwargs)
value['data'] = not value['data']
self.set_value(data=value['data'], id_on_network=device, **kwargs)
node = self._state.nodes.get(value['node_id'])
assert node, f'Node {value["node_id"]} not found'
return {
'name': (node['name'] + ' - ' + value.get('label', '[No Label]')),
'on': value['data'],
'id': value['value_id'],
def main(self):
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