Source code for

import base64
import re
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Optional

import requests

from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
from platypush.schemas.piped import (

[docs] class YoutubePlugin(Plugin): r""" YouTube plugin. Unlike other Google plugins, this plugin doesn't rely on the Google API. That's because the official YouTube API has been subject to many changes to prevent scraping, and it requires the user to tinker with the OAuth layer, app permissions and app validation in order to get it working. Instead, it relies on a `Piped <>`_, an open-source alternative YouTube gateway. It thus requires a link to a valid Piped instance. """ _timeout = 20
[docs] def __init__( self, piped_api_url: str = '', auth_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param piped_api_url: Base API URL of the Piped instance (default: ````). :param auth_token: Optional authentication token from the Piped instance. This is required if you want to access your private feed and playlists, but not for searching public videos. In order to retrieve an authentication token: 1. Login to your configured Piped instance. 2. Copy the RSS/Atom feed URL on the _Feed_ tab. 3. Copy the ``auth_token`` query parameter from the URL. 4. Enter it in the ``auth_token`` field in the ``youtube`` section of the configuration file. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._piped_api_url = piped_api_url self._auth_token = auth_token
def _api_url(self, path: str = '') -> str: return f"{self._piped_api_url}/{path}" def _request( self, path: str, method: str = 'get', body: Optional[str] = None, auth: bool = True, **kwargs, ): timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self._timeout) if auth: kwargs['params'] = kwargs.get('params', {}) kwargs['params']['authToken'] = self._auth_token kwargs['headers'] = kwargs.get('headers', {}) kwargs['headers']['Authorization'] = self._auth_token if body: kwargs['data'] = body func = getattr(requests, method.lower()) rs = func(self._api_url(path), timeout=timeout, **kwargs) rs.raise_for_status() try: return rs.json() except (TypeError, ValueError): return {} @lru_cache(maxsize=10) # noqa def _get_channel(self, id: str) -> dict: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if ( id.startswith('http') or id.startswith('https') or id.startswith('/channel/') ): id = id.split('/')[-1] return ( PipedChannelSchema().dump(self._request(f'channel/{id}')) or {} # type: ignore ) @staticmethod def _get_video_id(id_or_url: str) -> str: m ='/watch\?v=([^&]+)', id_or_url) if m: return return id_or_url @staticmethod def _dump_item(item: dict) -> dict: if item.get('type') == 'stream': return dict(PipedVideoSchema().dump(item)) if item.get('type') == 'channel': return dict(PipedChannelSchema().dump(item)) if item.get('type') == 'playlist': return dict(PipedPlaylistSchema().dump(item)) return item
[docs] @action def search(self, query: str, **_) -> List[dict]: """ Search for YouTube videos. :param query: Query string. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedVideoSchema(many=True) """'Searching YouTube for "%s"', query) rs = self._request('search', auth=False, params={'q': query, 'filter': 'all'}) results = [self._dump_item(item) for item in rs.get('items', [])] '%d YouTube results for the search query "%s"', len(results), query, ) return results
[docs] @action def get_feed(self) -> List[dict]: """ Retrieve the YouTube feed. Depending on your account settings on the configured Piped instance, this may return either the latest videos uploaded by your subscribed channels, or the trending videos in the configured area. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedVideoSchema(many=True) """ return PipedVideoSchema(many=True).dump(self._request('feed')) or []
[docs] @action def get_playlists(self) -> List[dict]: """ Retrieve the playlists saved by the user logged in to the Piped instance. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedPlaylistSchema(many=True) """ return ( PipedPlaylistSchema(many=True).dump(self._request('user/playlists')) or [] )
[docs] @action def get_playlist(self, id: str) -> List[dict]: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Retrieve the videos in a playlist. :param id: Piped playlist ID. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedVideoSchema(many=True) """ return ( PipedVideoSchema(many=True).dump( self._request(f'playlists/{id}').get('relatedStreams', []) ) or [] )
[docs] @action def get_subscriptions(self) -> List[dict]: """ Retrieve the channels subscribed by the user logged in to the Piped instance. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedChannelSchema(many=True) """ return PipedChannelSchema(many=True).dump(self._request('subscriptions')) or []
[docs] @action def get_channel( self, id: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin next_page_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Retrieve the information and videos of a channel given its ID or URL. :param id: Channel ID or URL. :param next_page_token: Optional token to retrieve the next page of results. :return: .. schema:: piped.PipedChannelSchema """ if ( id.startswith('http') or id.startswith('https') or id.startswith('/channel/') ): id = id.split('/')[-1] info = {} if next_page_token: info = self._get_channel(id).copy() info.pop('next_page_token', None) info['items'] = [] next_page = base64.b64decode(next_page_token.encode()).decode() response = { **info, **self._request( f'nextpage/channel/{id}', params={'nextpage': next_page}, auth=False ), } else: response = self._request(f'channel/{id}') return PipedChannelSchema().dump(response) or {} # type: ignore
[docs] @action def add_to_playlist(self, video_id: str, playlist_id: str): """ Add a video to a playlist. :param video_id: YouTube video ID. :param playlist_id: Piped playlist ID. """ self._request( 'user/playlists/add', method='post', json={ 'videoIds': [self._get_video_id(video_id)], 'playlistId': playlist_id, }, )
[docs] @action def remove_from_playlist( self, playlist_id: str, video_id: Optional[str] = None, index: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Remove a video from a playlist. Note that either the video ID or the index must be provided. :param video_id: YouTube video ID or URL. :param index: (0-based) index of the video in the playlist. :param playlist_id: Piped playlist ID. """ assert video_id or index, 'Either the video ID or the index must be provided' if index is None: assert video_id video_id = self._get_video_id(video_id) index = next( ( i for i, v in enumerate( self._request(f'playlists/{playlist_id}').get( 'relatedStreams', [] ) ) if self._get_video_id(v.get('url')) == video_id ), None, ) if index is None: self.logger.warning( 'Video %s not found in the playlist %s', video_id, playlist_id ) return self._request( 'user/playlists/remove', method='post', json={ 'index': index, 'playlistId': playlist_id, }, )
[docs] @action def create_playlist(self, name: str) -> dict: """ Create a new playlist. :param name: Playlist name. :return: Playlist information. """ name = name.strip() assert name, 'Playlist name cannot be empty' playlist_id = self._request( 'user/playlists/create', method='post', json={'name': name}, ).get('playlistId') assert playlist_id, 'Failed to create the playlist' playlists = self._request('user/playlists') new_playlist = next((p for p in playlists if p.get('id') == playlist_id), None) assert new_playlist, 'Failed to retrieve the new playlist' return dict(PipedPlaylistSchema().dump(new_playlist) or {})
[docs] @action def rename_playlist( self, id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None ): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Rename a playlist. :param id: Piped playlist ID. :param name: New playlist name. :param description: New playlist description. """ args = {} if name: args['newName'] = name if description: args['description'] = description if not args:'No new name or description provided') return self._request( 'user/playlists/rename', method='post', json={ 'playlistId': id, **args, }, )
[docs] @action def delete_playlist(self, id: str): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Delete a playlist. :param id: Piped playlist ID. """ self._request( 'user/playlists/delete', method='post', json={'playlistId': id}, )
[docs] @action def is_subscribed(self, channel_id: str) -> bool: """ Check if the user is subscribed to a channel. :param channel_id: YouTube channel ID. :return: True if the user is subscribed to the channel, False otherwise. """ return self._request( 'subscribed', params={'channelId': channel_id}, ).get('subscribed', False)
[docs] @action def subscribe(self, channel_id: str): """ Subscribe to a channel. :param channel_id: YouTube channel ID. """ self._request( 'subscribe', method='post', json={'channelId': channel_id}, )
[docs] @action def unsubscribe(self, channel_id: str): """ Unsubscribe from a channel. :param channel_id: YouTube channel ID. """ self._request( 'unsubscribe', method='post', json={'channelId': channel_id}, )
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