Source code for platypush.plugins.xmpp

import os
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Type, Union

import aioxmpp

from platypush.config import Config
from platypush.message.event.xmpp import XmppConnectedEvent
from platypush.plugins import AsyncRunnablePlugin, action

from ._base import XmppBasePlugin
from ._config import XmppConfig
from ._handlers import (
from ._mixins import XmppBaseMixin
from ._state import SerializedState, StateSerializer
from ._types import Errors, XmppPresence

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs] class XmppPlugin(AsyncRunnablePlugin, XmppBasePlugin): """ XMPP integration. """
[docs] def __init__( self, user_id: str, password: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, anonymous: bool = False, auto_accept_invites: bool = True, restore_state: bool = True, state_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param user_id: Jabber/user ID, in the format ````. :param password: User password. :param language: ISO string for the language code that will be used by the bot (default: ``None``). :param anonymous: Whether to use anonymous authentication (default: ``False``). :param auto_accept_invites: Whether to automatically accept invites to conversations (default: True). If set to False, and you still want some control on which invites should be accepted, you can create a ``hook`` on :class:`platypush.message.event.xmpp.XmppRoomInviteEvent` that calls either :meth:`.accept_invite` or :meth:`.reject_invite` with the ``room_id`` specified on the event, if it is a room event, or subscribe to :class:`platypush.message.event.xmpp.XmppContactAddRequestEvent` and call either :meth:`.accept_invite` or :meth:`.reject_invite` with the ``user_id`` specified on the event, if it is a contact add request. :param restore_state: If ``True`` (default) then any previously joined conversation or subscribed contact will be joined/subscribed again when the plugin restarts. Otherwise, upon restart the plugin will start from a state with no subscriptions nor joined rooms. :param state_file: Path where the previous state will be stored, if ``restore_state`` is ``True``. Default: ``<WORKDIR>/xmpp/state.json``. """ super(XmppBasePlugin, self).__init__(user_id=user_id, language=language) super(AsyncRunnablePlugin, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._security = aioxmpp.make_security_layer(password, anonymous=anonymous) self._config = XmppConfig( auto_accept_invites=auto_accept_invites, restore_state=restore_state, state_file=os.path.expanduser( state_file or os.path.join(Config.get_workdir(), 'xmpp', 'state.json') ), ) self._loaded_state = SerializedState() self._state_serializer = StateSerializer(user_id=self._jid, config=self._config) self._handlers = XmppHandlersRegistry(self) self.restore_state()
[docs] def restore_state(self): """ Reload the previous state from the configured state file. """ if not (self._config.state_file and self._config.restore_state): return self._loaded_state = self._state_serializer.load()
@property def _conn_handler(self) -> XmppConnectionHandler: return self._handlers[XmppConnectionHandler] @property def _conv_handler(self) -> XmppConversationHandler: return self._handlers[XmppConversationHandler] @property def _presence_handler(self) -> XmppPresenceHandler: return self._handlers[XmppPresenceHandler] @property def _room_handler(self) -> XmppRoomHandler: return self._handlers[XmppRoomHandler] @property def _roster_handler(self) -> XmppRosterHandler: return self._handlers[XmppRosterHandler] def _on_disconnect(self, reason: Optional[Union[str, Exception]] = None): self._conn_handler.disconnect(reason) def _register_handlers(self): for hndl_type in discover_handlers(): hndl = self.register_xmpp_handler(hndl_type) hndl.restore_state() def register_xmpp_handler(self, hndl_type: Type[XmppBaseMixin]) -> XmppBaseHandler: self.logger.debug('Registering handler: %s', hndl_type) self._handlers[hndl_type] = hndl_type( user_id=self._jid, language=self._lang, config=self._config, state=self._state, client=self._client, loop=self._loop, state_serializer=self._state_serializer, loaded_state=self._loaded_state, ) return self._handlers[hndl_type] def should_stop(self) -> bool: return super().should_stop() or self._state.should_stop.is_set() def stop(self): self._state.should_stop.set() self._stop_state_serializer() self._stop_client() self._on_disconnect(reason='Plugin terminated') super().stop() def _stop_state_serializer(self): if self._state_serializer: self._state_serializer.flush() self._state_serializer.wait(self._state_serializer.flush_timeout) def _stop_client(self): if self._client: self._client.stop() self._client = None async def listen(self): self._client = aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient(self._jid, self._security) try: async with self._client.connected(): self._register_handlers() self._post_event(XmppConnectedEvent) await self._state.should_stop.wait() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('XMPP connection error: %s', e) self.logger.exception(e) self._on_disconnect(e) raise e
[docs] @action def send_message( self, body: str, user_id: Optional[str] = None, room_id: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Send a message to a target (the Jabber ID of another user or room). :param body: Message body. :param user_id: Jabber ID of the target user. Either user_id or room_id should be specified. :param room_id: Jabber ID of the target room. Either user_id or room_id should be specified. :param language: Override the default language code. """ if room_id: self._room_handler.send_message( room_id=room_id, body=body, language=language ) elif user_id: self._conv_handler.send_message( user_id=user_id, body=body, language=language ) else: raise AssertionError(Errors.USER_ID_OR_ROOM_ID)
[docs] @action def join( self, room_id: str, nick: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, auto_rejoin: bool = True, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Join a room/conversation. :param room_id: The Jabber ID of the conversation to join. :param nick: The nickname that the bot should use in the room (default: the nickname specified in the configuration's ``user_id`` parameter). :param password: The password of the room (default: None). :param auto_rejoin: Whether to automatically rejoin the room after disconnection/kick (default: True). :param timeout: Room join timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ nick = nick or self._jid.localpart self._async_run( self._room_handler.join, room_id, timeout=timeout, nick=nick, password=password, auto_rejoin=auto_rejoin, )
[docs] @action def leave( self, room_id: str, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ): """ Leave a room/conversation. :param room_id: The Jabber ID of the conversation to leave. :param timeout: Room leave timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.leave, room_id, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def accept_invite( self, room_id: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None ): """ Accept a pending invite to a multi-user conversation or a contact add request. :param user_id: The target ``user_id`` if this is a contact add request. :param room_id: The target ``room_id`` if this is a room invite request. """ if room_id: self._room_handler.accept_invite(room_id) elif user_id: self._roster_handler.accept_invite(user_id) else: raise AssertionError(Errors.USER_ID_OR_ROOM_ID)
[docs] @action def reject_invite( self, room_id: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None ): """ Reject a pending invite to a multi-user conversation or a contact add request. :param user_id: The target ``user_id`` if this is a contact add request. :param room_id: The target ``room_id`` if this is a room invite request. """ if room_id: self._room_handler.reject_invite(room_id) elif user_id: self._roster_handler.reject_invite(user_id) else: raise AssertionError(Errors.USER_ID_OR_ROOM_ID)
[docs] @action def invite( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, mode: str = 'direct', text: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Invite a user to a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param user_id: The JID of the user to invite. :param timeout: Invite request send timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. :param mode: Invite mode - can be ``direct`` (default) or ``mediated``. - ``direct``: The invitation is sent directly to the invitee, without going through a service specific to the conversation. - ``mediated``: The invitation is sent indirectly through a service which is providing the conversation. Advantages of using this mode include most notably that the service can automatically add the invitee to the list of allowed participants in configurations where such restrictions exist (or deny the request if the inviter does not have the permissions to do so). :param text: Optional text to send with the invitation. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.invite, room_id=room_id, user_id=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(user_id), mode=getattr(, mode.upper(), ), text=text, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def set_presence(self, presence: Union[str, XmppPresence]): """ Set/broadcast a new presence state for the user. :param presence: The new presence state. Possible values are: - ``available`` - ``offline`` - ``away`` - ``xa`` - ``chat`` - ``dnd`` """ pres = XmppPresence(presence.lower()) if isinstance(presence, str) else presence self._presence_handler.set_presence(pres)
[docs] @action def set_affiliation( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, affiliation: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Change the affiliation of a user to a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param user_id: The user JID. :param affiliation: The affiliation to set. Possible values are: - ``owner`` - ``member`` - ``none`` - ``outcast`` - ``publisher`` - ``publish-only`` :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. :param reason: Optional reason for the change. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.set_affiliation, room_id=room_id, user_id=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(user_id), affiliation=affiliation, reason=reason, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def set_role( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, role: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Change the role of a user in a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param user_id: The user JID. :param role: The role to set. Possible values are: - ``none`` - ``participant`` - ``visitor`` - ``moderator`` :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. :param reason: Optional reason for the change. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.set_role, room_id=room_id, user_id=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(user_id), role=role, reason=reason, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def kick( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Kick a user from a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param user_id: The JID of the user to kick. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. :param reason: Kick reason. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.kick, room_id=room_id, user_id=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(user_id), reason=reason, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def ban( self, room_id: str, user_id: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Ban a user from a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param user_id: The JID of the user to ban. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. :param reason: Ban reason. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.ban, room_id=room_id, user_id=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(user_id), reason=reason, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def set_topic( self, room_id: str, topic: str, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Set the topic of a room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param topic: New topic. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.set_topic, room_id=room_id, topic=topic, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def set_room_configuration( self, room_id: str, name: Optional[bool] = None, description: Optional[bool] = None, members_only: Optional[bool] = None, persistent: Optional[bool] = None, moderated: Optional[bool] = None, allow_invites: Optional[bool] = None, allow_private_messages: Optional[bool] = None, allow_change_subject: Optional[bool] = None, enable_logging: Optional[bool] = None, max_history_fetch: Optional[int] = None, max_users: Optional[int] = None, password_protected: Optional[bool] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None, room_admins: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, room_owners: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Changes the configuration of a room. All the parameters are optional, and only those that have a non-null value will be set. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param name: New room name. :param description: New room description. :param members_only: Whether or not this room is only for members. :param persistent: Whether or not this room is persistent. :param moderated: Whether or not this room is moderated. :param allow_invites: Whether or not this room allows invites. :param allow_private_messages: Whether or not this room allows private messages. :param allow_change_subject: Whether or not this room allows changing its subject. :param enable_logging: Whether or not this room has logging enabled. :param max_history_fetch: Maximum number of past messages to fetch when joining the room. :param max_users: Maximum number of users allowed in the room. :param password_protected: Whether or not this room is password protected. :param public: Whether or not this room is publicly visible. :param room_admins: List of room admins, by Jabber ID. :param room_owners: List of room owners, by Jabber ID. :param password: If the room is password protected, configure its password here. :param language: Language of the room (ISO 2-letter code). :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.set_room_config, room_id=room_id, name=name, description=description, members_only=members_only, persistent=persistent, moderated=moderated, allow_invites=allow_invites, allow_private_messages=allow_private_messages, allow_change_subject=allow_change_subject, enable_logging=enable_logging, max_history_fetch=max_history_fetch, max_users=max_users, password_protected=password_protected, public=public, room_admins=room_admins, room_owners=room_owners, password=password, language=language, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def set_nick( self, room_id: str, nick: str, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ): """ Set the nick of the user on a specific room. :param room_id: The target room JID. :param nick: New nick. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.set_nick, room_id=room_id, nick=nick, timeout=timeout, )
[docs] @action def add_user(self, user_id: str): """ Add the specified user ID to the roster. :param user_id: The Jabber ID of the user to add. """ self._roster_handler.add_user(user_id)
[docs] @action def remove_user(self, user_id: str): """ Remove the specified user ID from the roster. :param user_id: The Jabber ID of the user to remove. """ self._roster_handler.remove_user(user_id)
[docs] @action def request_voice( self, room_id: str, timeout: Optional[float] = XmppBaseMixin.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ): """ Request voice (i.e. participant role) in a room. :param room_id: The Jabber ID of the room. :param timeout: Request timeout (default: 20 seconds). Set to null for no timeout. """ self._async_run( self._room_handler.request_voice, room_id=room_id, timeout=timeout )
[docs] @action def status(self): """ Get the current status of the client. :return: .. code-block:: python { # List of pending room invites, as Jabber IDs "room_invites": [""], # List of pending user invites, as Jabber IDs "user_invites": [""], # List of users the client is subscribed to "users": [ "" ], # Map of rooms the client has joined, indexed by room ID "rooms": { "": { "room_id": "", "joined": true, # Possible values: # ACTIVE, DISCONNECTED, HISTORY, JOIN_PRESENCE "state": "ACTIVE", "nick": "me", # Map of room members, indexed by user ID "members": { "": { "user_id": "", "nick": "me", # Possible affiliation values: # none, member, outcast, owner, publisher, publish-only "affiliation": "none", # Possible role values: # none, participant, visitor, moderator "role": "participant", "is_self": true, "available": true, # Possible state values: # available, offline, away, xa, chat, dnd "state": "available" }, "": { "user_id": "", "nick": "SomeBuddy", "affiliation": "owner", "role": "moderator", "is_self": false, "available": true, "state": "away" } } } } } """ return self._state.asdict(return_passwords=False)
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