Source code for platypush.plugins.tts.openai

import os
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from multiprocessing import Process
from typing import Generator, Optional

import requests

from platypush.context import get_plugin
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.openai import OpenaiPlugin
from platypush.plugins.tts import TtsPlugin

[docs] class TtsOpenaiPlugin(TtsPlugin): r""" This plugin provides an interface to the `OpenAI text-to-speech API <>`_. It requires the :class:`platypush.plugins.openai.OpenaiPlugin` plugin to be configured. """ _BUFSIZE = 1024
[docs] def __init__( self, model: str = 'tts-1', voice: str = 'nova', timeout: float = 10, **kwargs, ): """ :param model: Model to be used for the text-to-speech conversion. See the `OpenAI API models documentation <>`_ for the list of available models (default: ``tts-1``). :param voice: Default voice to be used. See the `OpenAI API voices documentation <>`_ for the list of available voices (default: ``nova``). :param timeout: Default timeout for the API requests (default: 10s). """ super().__init__(**kwargs) openai = get_plugin('openai') assert openai, 'openai plugin not configured' self.openai: OpenaiPlugin = openai self.model = model self.voice = voice self.timeout = timeout self._audio_proc: Optional[Process] = None
def _process_response( self, response: requests.Response, audio_file: str, ) -> Process: def proc_fn(): try: with open(audio_file, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=self._BUFSIZE): if chunk: file.write(chunk) file.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self._audio_proc = Process(target=proc_fn, name='openai-tts-response-processor') self._audio_proc.start() return self._audio_proc def _make_request( self, text: str, model: Optional[str] = None, voice: Optional[str] = None, ) -> requests.Response: rs = "", timeout=self.timeout, stream=True, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.openai._api_key}", # pylint: disable=protected-access "Content-Type": "application/json", }, json={ "model": model or self.model, "voice": voice or self.voice, "input": text, }, ) rs.raise_for_status() return rs @contextmanager def _audio_fifo(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: fifo_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() fifo_path = os.path.join(fifo_dir, 'platypush-tts-openai-fifo') os.mkfifo(fifo_path) yield fifo_path os.unlink(fifo_path) os.rmdir(fifo_dir)
[docs] @action def say( self, text: str, *_, model: Optional[str] = None, voice: Optional[str] = None, **player_args, ): """ Say some text. :param text: Text to say. :param model: Default ``model`` override. :param voice: Default ``voice`` override. :param player_args: Extends the additional arguments to be passed to :meth:`` (like volume, duration, channels etc.). """ response_processor: Optional[Process] = None try: response = self._make_request(text, model=model, voice=voice) with self._audio_fifo() as audio_file: response_processor = self._process_response( response=response, audio_file=audio_file ) self._playback(audio_file, **player_args) response_processor.join() response_processor = None finally: if response_processor: response_processor.terminate()
[docs] @action def stop(self): super().stop() if self._audio_proc and self._audio_proc.is_alive(): self._audio_proc.terminate() self._audio_proc.join()
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