Source code for platypush.plugins.sensor.ltr559

from typing import Dict, List

from typing_extensions import override

from platypush.common.sensors import Numeric
from platypush.entities.devices import Device
from platypush.entities.distance import DistanceSensor
from platypush.entities.illuminance import IlluminanceSensor
from platypush.plugins import action
from platypush.plugins.sensor import SensorPlugin

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs]class SensorLtr559Plugin(SensorPlugin): """ Plugin to interact with an `LTR559 <>`_ light and proximity sensor Requires: * ``ltr559`` (``pip install ltr559``) * ``smbus`` (``pip install smbus``) Triggers: * :class:`platypush.message.event.sensor.SensorDataAboveThresholdEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.sensor.SensorDataBelowThresholdEvent` * :class:`platypush.message.event.sensor.SensorDataChangeEvent` """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): import ltr559 super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ltr = ltr559.LTR559()
[docs] @override @action def get_measurement(self, *_, **__): """ :returns: dict. Example: .. code-block:: python output = { "light": 109.3543, # Lux "proximity": 103 # The higher the value, the nearest the object, within a ~5cm range } """ self.ltr.update_sensor() return { 'light': self.ltr.get_lux(), 'proximity': self.ltr.get_proximity(), }
[docs] @override def transform_entities(self, entities: Dict[str, Numeric]) -> List[Device]: sensors = [] if entities.get('light') is not None: sensors.append( IlluminanceSensor( id='ltr559:illuminance', name='illuminance', value=entities['light'], unit='lux', ) ) if entities.get('proximity') is not None: sensors.append( DistanceSensor( id='ltr559:proximity', name='proximity', value=entities['proximity'], unit='mm', ) ) if not sensors: return [] return [ Device( id='ltr559', name='LTR559 Sensor', children=sensors, ) ]
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