Source code for platypush.plugins.pushbullet

from dataclasses import dataclass
import json
import os
import time
from enum import Enum
from threading import Event, RLock
from typing import Optional, Type

import requests

from platypush.config import Config
from platypush.message.event.pushbullet import (
from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action
from platypush.schemas.pushbullet import PushbulletDeviceSchema, PushbulletSchema

[docs] class PushbulletType(Enum): """ PushBullet event types. """ DISMISSAL = 'dismissal' FILE = 'file' LINK = 'link' MESSAGE = 'message' MIRROR = 'mirror' NOTE = 'note'
[docs] @dataclass class PushbulletEventType: """ PushBullet event type. """ type: PushbulletType event_class: Type[PushbulletEvent]
_push_event_types = [ PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.DISMISSAL, event_class=PushbulletDismissalEvent, ), PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.FILE, event_class=PushbulletFileEvent, ), PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.LINK, event_class=PushbulletLinkEvent, ), PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.MESSAGE, event_class=PushbulletMessageEvent, ), PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.MIRROR, event_class=PushbulletNotificationEvent, ), PushbulletEventType( type=PushbulletType.NOTE, event_class=PushbulletMessageEvent, ), ] _push_events_by_type = {t.type.value: t for t in _push_event_types}
[docs] class PushbulletPlugin(RunnablePlugin): """ `PushBullet <>`_ integration. Among the other things, this plugin allows you to easily interact with your mobile devices that have the app installed from Platypush. If notification mirroring is enabled on your device, then the push notifications will be mirrored to Platypush as well as PushBullet events. Since PushBullet also comes with a Tasker integration, you can also use this plugin to send commands to your Android device and trigger actions on it. It can be used to programmatically send files to your devices and manage shared clipboards too. """ _timeout = 15.0 _upload_timeout = 600.0
[docs] def __init__( self, token: str, device: Optional[str] = None, enable_mirroring: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ :param token: PushBullet API token, see :param device: Device ID that should be exposed. Default: ``Platypush @ <device_id | hostname>``. :param enable_mirroring: If set to True (default) then the plugin will receive notifications mirrored from other connected devices - these will also be rendered on the connected web clients. Disable it if you don't want to forward your mobile notifications through the plugin. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if not device: device = f'Platypush @ {Config.get_device_id()}' self.token = token self.device_name = device self.enable_mirroring = enable_mirroring self.listener = None self._initialized = Event() self._device = None self._init_lock = RLock() self._pb = None self._device_id = None self._devices = [] self._devices_by_id = {} self._devices_by_name = {}
def _initialize(self): from pushbullet import Pushbullet if self._initialized.is_set(): return self._pb = Pushbullet(self.token) try: self._device = self._pb.get_device(self.device_name) except Exception as e: 'Device %s does not exist: %s. Creating it', self.device_name, e, ) self._device = self._pb.new_device(self.device_name) self._device_id = self.get_device_id() self._initialized.set() @property def pb(self): """ :return: PushBullet API object. """ with self._init_lock: self._initialize() assert self._pb return self._pb @property def device(self): """ :return: Current PushBullet device object. """ with self._init_lock: self._initialize() assert self._device return self._device @property def device_id(self): return self.device.device_iden def _request(self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs): meth = getattr(requests, method) resp = meth( '' + url.lstrip('/'), timeout=self._timeout, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, **kwargs, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def get_device_id(self): assert self._pb try: return self._pb.get_device(self.device_name).device_iden except Exception: device = self.pb.new_device( self.device_name, model='Platypush virtual device', manufacturer='platypush', icon='system', )'Created Pushbullet device %s', self.device_name) return device.device_iden def _get_latest_push(self): t = int(time.time()) - 10 pushes = self.pb.get_pushes(modified_after=str(t), limit=1) if pushes: return pushes[0] return None def on_open(self, *_, **__):'Pushbullet connected') def on_close(self, args=None): err = args[0] if args else None self.close() assert not err or self.should_stop(), 'Pushbullet connection closed: ' + str( err or 'unknown error' ) def on_error(self, *args): raise RuntimeError('Pushbullet error: ' + str(args)) def on_push(self, data): try: # Parse the push try: data = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) return # If it's a push, get it push = None if data['type'] == 'tickle' and data['subtype'] == 'push': push = self._get_latest_push() elif data['type'] == 'push': push = data['push'] if not push: self.logger.debug('Not a push notification.\nMessage: %s', data) return push_type = push.pop('type', None) push_event_type = _push_events_by_type.get(push_type) if not push_event_type: self.logger.debug( 'Unknown push type: %s.\nMessage: %s', push_type, data ) return if ( not self.enable_mirroring and push_event_type.type == PushbulletType.MIRROR ): return push = dict(PushbulletSchema().dump(push)) evt_type = push_event_type.event_class**push)) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Error while processing push: %s.\nMessage: %s', e, data ) self.logger.exception(e) return def _get_device(self, device) -> Optional[dict]: output = None refreshed = False while not output: if device in self._devices_by_id: return self._devices_by_id[device] if device in self._devices_by_name: return self._devices_by_name[device] if refreshed: return None self.get_devices() refreshed = True return None def close(self): if self.listener: try: self.listener.close() except Exception: pass self.listener = None if self._pb: self._pb = None self._initialized.clear() def run_listener(self): from .listener import Listener self.listener = Listener( account=self.pb, on_push=self.on_push, on_open=self.on_open, on_close=self.on_close, on_error=self.on_error, ) self.listener.run_forever()
[docs] @action def get_devices(self): """ Get the list of available devices. :return: .. schema:: pushbullet.PushbulletDeviceSchema(many=True) """ resp = self._request('get', 'devices') self._devices = resp.get('devices', []) self._devices_by_id = {dev['iden']: dev for dev in self._devices} self._devices_by_name = { dev['nickname']: dev for dev in self._devices if 'nickname' in dev } return PushbulletDeviceSchema(many=True).dump(self._devices)
[docs] @action def get_device(self, device: str) -> Optional[dict]: """ Get a device by ID or name. :param device: Device ID or name :return: .. schema:: pushbullet.PushbulletDeviceSchema """ dev = self._get_device(device) if not dev: return None return dict(PushbulletDeviceSchema().dump(dev))
[docs] @action def get_pushes(self, limit: int = 10): """ Get the list of pushes. :param limit: Maximum number of pushes to fetch (default: 10). :return: .. schema:: pushbullet.PushbulletSchema(many=True) """ return PushbulletSchema().dump( self._request('get', 'pushes', params={'limit': limit}).get('pushes', []), many=True, )
[docs] @action def send_note( self, device: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Send a note push. :param device: Device ID or name (default: None, all devices) :param body: Note body :param title: Note title :param url: URL attached to the note :param kwargs: Push arguments, see :return: .. schema:: pushbullet.PushbulletSchema """ dev = None if device: dev = self._get_device(device) assert dev, f'No such device: {device}' kwargs['body'] = body kwargs['title'] = title kwargs['type'] = 'note' if url: kwargs['type'] = 'link' kwargs['url'] = url if dev: kwargs['device_iden'] = dev['iden'] rs = self._request('post', 'pushes', data=json.dumps(kwargs)) return dict(PushbulletSchema().dump(rs))
[docs] @action def send_file(self, filename: str, device: Optional[str] = None): """ Send a file. :param device: Device ID or name (default: None, all devices) :param filename: Path to the local file """ dev = None if device: dev = self._get_device(device) assert dev, f'No such device: {device}' upload_req = self._request( 'post', 'upload-request', data=json.dumps({'file_name': os.path.basename(filename)}), ) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: rs = upload_req['upload_url'], data=upload_req['data'], files={'file': f}, timeout=self._upload_timeout, ) rs.raise_for_status() self._request( 'post', 'pushes', data=json.dumps( { 'type': 'file', 'device_iden': dev['iden'] if dev else None, 'file_name': upload_req['file_name'], 'file_type': upload_req.get('file_type'), 'file_url': upload_req['file_url'], } ), ) return { 'filename': upload_req['file_name'], 'type': upload_req.get('file_type'), 'url': upload_req['file_url'], }
[docs] @action def send_clipboard(self, text: str): """ Send text to the clipboard of other devices. :param text: Text to be copied. """ self._request( 'post', 'ephemerals', data=json.dumps( { 'type': 'push', 'push': { 'body': text, 'type': 'clip', 'source_device_iden': self.device_id, }, } ), )
def main(self): while not self.should_stop(): while not self._initialized.is_set(): try: self._initialize() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.error('Pushbullet initialization error: %s', e) self.wait_stop(10) while not self.should_stop(): try: self.run_listener() except Exception as e: if not self.should_stop(): self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.error('Pushbullet listener error: %s', e) self.wait_stop(10)
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