Source code for

import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import threading
import time
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, RLock
from queue import Empty
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, List, Optional

from platypush.message.response import Response
from platypush.plugins import action
from import PlayerState, MediaPlugin
from import (
from platypush.utils import find_bins_in_path

[docs] @dataclass class MplayerStatus: """ MPlayer status object """ state: PlayerState = PlayerState.STOP filename: Optional[str] = None path: Optional[str] = None title: Optional[str] = None duration: Optional[float] = None position: Optional[float] = None percent_pos: Optional[float] = None fullscreen: Optional[bool] = None mute: Optional[bool] = None pause: Optional[bool] = None volume: Optional[float] = None volume_max: Optional[float] = None seekable: Optional[bool] = None url: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class MediaMplayerPlugin(MediaPlugin): """ Plugin to control MPlayer instances. Note that some plugin methods are populated dynamically by introspecting the mplayer executable. You can verify the supported methods at runtime by running the :meth:`.list_actions` action. """ _mplayer_default_communicate_timeout = 0.5 _mplayer_bin_default_args = [ '-slave', '-quiet', '-idle', '-input', 'nodefault-bindings', '-noconfig', 'all', ]
[docs] def __init__( self, fullscreen: bool = False, mplayer_bin: Optional[str] = None, mplayer_timeout: float = _mplayer_default_communicate_timeout, args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param fullscreen: If set to True then the player will be started in fullscreen mode (default: False) :param mplayer_bin: Path to the MPlayer executable (default: search for the first occurrence in your system PATH environment variable) :param mplayer_timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for more data from MPlayer before considering a response ready (default: 0.5 seconds) :param args: Default arguments that will be passed to the MPlayer executable """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.args = args or [] self._init_mplayer_bin(mplayer_bin=mplayer_bin) self._fullscreen = fullscreen self._build_actions() self._player = None self._mplayer_timeout = mplayer_timeout self._status_lock = threading.Lock() self._status = MplayerStatus() self._answer_queue = Queue() self._proc_monitor: Optional[Process] = None self._cmd_lock = RLock() self._cleanup_lock = RLock()
def _init_mplayer_bin(self, mplayer_bin=None): if not mplayer_bin: bin_name = 'mplayer.exe' if == 'nt' else 'mplayer' bins = find_bins_in_path(bin_name) if not bins: raise RuntimeError( 'MPlayer executable not specified and not ' + 'found in your PATH. Make sure that mplayer' + 'is either installed or configured' ) self.mplayer_bin = bins[0] else: mplayer_bin = os.path.expanduser(mplayer_bin) if not ( os.path.isfile(mplayer_bin) and ( == 'nt' or os.access(mplayer_bin, os.X_OK)) ): raise RuntimeError( f'{mplayer_bin} is does not exist or is not a valid executable file' ) self.mplayer_bin = mplayer_bin def _init_mplayer(self, mplayer_args=None): if self._player: try: self._player.terminate() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to quit mplayer before _exec: %s', e) m_args = mplayer_args or [] args = [self.mplayer_bin] + self._mplayer_bin_default_args if self._fullscreen and '-fs' not in args: args.append('-fs') for arg in (*self.args, *m_args): if arg not in args: args.append(arg) popen_args: Dict[str, Any] = { 'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, } if self._env: popen_args['env'] = self._env self._player = subprocess.Popen(args, **popen_args) self._proc_monitor = Process(target=self._listener, name='mplayer-monitor') self._proc_monitor.start() def _build_actions(self): """Populates the actions list by introspecting the mplayer executable""" def args_pprint(txt): lc = txt.lower() if lc[0] == '[': return f'{lc[1:-1]}=None' return lc self._actions = {} with subprocess.Popen( [self.mplayer_bin, '-input', 'cmdlist'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) as mplayer: while True: if not mplayer.stdout: break line = mplayer.stdout.readline() if not line: break line = line.decode() if line[0].isupper(): continue args = line.split() cmd_name = args.pop(0) arguments = ', '.join([args_pprint(a) for a in args]) self._actions[cmd_name] = f'{cmd_name}({arguments})' def _exec( self, cmd, *args, mplayer_args=None, prefix=None, wait_for_response=False ) -> Optional[dict]: cmd_name = cmd if cmd_name in {'loadfile', 'loadlist'}: self._init_mplayer(mplayer_args) else: if not self._player: self.logger.warning('MPlayer is not running') cmd = ( f'{prefix + " " if prefix else ""}' + cmd_name + (" " if args else "") + " ".join(repr(a) for a in args) + '\n' ).encode() if not self._player: self.logger.debug('Cannot send command %s: player unavailable', cmd) return None if not (self._player.stdin and self._player.stdin.writable()): self.logger.warning( 'Could not communicate with the mplayer process: the stdin is closed' ) return None # Make sure that the response queue is empty before waiting for a new response while not self._answer_queue.empty(): self._answer_queue.get() self.logger.debug('mplayer interface:: Sending command: %s', cmd) with self._cmd_lock: try: self._player.stdin.write(cmd) self._player.stdin.flush() except BrokenPipeError:'The MPlayer process has terminated') self._cleanup() return None except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( 'Failed to send command %s: %s: %s', cmd, type(e).__name__, e ) return None if cmd_name in {'loadfile', 'loadlist'}: self._post_event(NewPlayingMediaEvent, resource=args[0]) if not wait_for_response: return None # Get the response from the queue try: ret, status = self._answer_queue.get( block=True, timeout=self._mplayer_timeout ) self._status = status except Empty: self.logger.warning('No response from mplayer for command %s', cmd) return None return ret def _process_answer(self, answer: dict): for k, v in answer.items(): if k == 'pause': if v and self._status.state == PlayerState.PLAY: self._status.state = PlayerState.PAUSE self._post_event(MediaPauseEvent) elif not v: if self._status.state == PlayerState.PAUSE: self._post_event(MediaResumeEvent) elif self._status.state == PlayerState.STOP: self._post_event(MediaPlayEvent) self._status.state = PlayerState.PLAY elif k == 'filename': self._status.filename = v elif k == 'path': self._status.path = v self._status.url = ( 'file://' if os.path.isfile(v) else '' ) + self._status.path elif k == 'fullscreen': self._status.fullscreen = v elif k == 'mute': self._status.mute = v elif k == 'percent_pos': self._status.percent_pos = v elif k == 'time_pos': self._status.position = v elif k == 'volume': self._status.volume = v elif k == 'length': self._status.duration = v self._answer_queue.put((answer, self._status)) def _status_checker(self): try: while self._player and self._player.stdin and self._player.stdin.writable(): try: self._get_property('filename') except (IOError, ValueError, KeyboardInterrupt): break finally: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('mplayer status checker process failed: %s', e) def _listener(self): status_checker = Process( target=self._status_checker, name='mplayer-status-checker' ) try: status_checker.start() while ( self._player and self._player.stdout and self._player.stdout.readable() ): try: buf = self._player.stdout.readline() except (IOError, ValueError, KeyboardInterrupt): break line = buf.decode() if isinstance(buf, bytes) else buf self.logger.debug('mplayer interface:: Received line: %s', buf) if not line: break if line.startswith('ANS_'): m = re.match(r'^([^=]+)=(.*)\s*$', line[4:]) if not m: self.logger.warning('Unexpected response: %s', line) break k, v =, if v == 'yes': v = True elif v == 'no': v = False try: if isinstance(v, str): v = json.loads(v) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass self._process_answer({k: v}) elif line.startswith('Starting playback'): self._status.state = PlayerState.PLAY self._post_event(MediaPlayEvent) finally: if status_checker and status_checker.is_alive(): status_checker.terminate() status_checker.join(timeout=5) try: status_checker.kill() except Exception: pass if self._player: self._player.wait() try: self.quit() except Exception: pass self._player = None
[docs] @action def execute(self, cmd, args=None): """ Execute a raw MPlayer command. See for a reference or call :meth:`.list_actions` to get a list """ args = args or [] return self._exec(cmd, *args)
@action def list_actions(self): return [ {'action': a, 'args': self._actions[a]} for a in sorted(self._actions.keys()) ] def _post_event(self, evt_type, **evt): evt_type( player='local', plugin='media.mplayer', resource=evt.pop('resource', self._status.url), title=self._status.title or self._status.filename, **evt, ) )
[docs] @action def play( self, resource: str, subtitles: Optional[str] = None, mplayer_args: Optional[List[str]] = None, **_, ): """ Play a resource. :param resource: Resource to play - can be a local file or a remote URL :param subtitles: Path to optional subtitle file :param mplayer_args: Extra runtime arguments that will be passed to the MPlayer executable """ self._post_event(MediaPlayRequestEvent, resource=resource) if subtitles: subs = self.get_subtitles_file(subtitles) if subs: mplayer_args = list(mplayer_args or []) + ['-sub', subs] resource = self._get_resource(resource) if resource.startswith('file://'): resource = resource[7:] self._exec('loadfile', resource, mplayer_args=mplayer_args) if self.volume: self.set_volume(volume=self.volume) return self.status()
[docs] @action def pause(self, *_, **__): """Toggle the paused state""" self._exec('pause') return self.status()
[docs] @action def stop(self, *_, **__): """Stop the playback""" return self.quit()
def _cleanup(self): with self._cleanup_lock: if self._player: self._player.terminate() self._player.wait() try: self._player.kill() except Exception: pass self._player = None self._post_event(MediaStopEvent) if self._proc_monitor and os.getpid() != try: self._proc_monitor.terminate() except Exception as e: if self._proc_monitor or self._proc_monitor.is_alive(): self.logger.warning( 'Failed to terminate MPlayer monitor process: %s', e ) if self._proc_monitor: try: self._proc_monitor.join(timeout=5) except AssertionError: # Can only join a child process pass try: self._proc_monitor.kill() except Exception: pass self._proc_monitor = None
[docs] @action def quit(self, *_, **__): """Quit the player""" self._exec('quit') self._cleanup() return self.status()
[docs] @action def voldown(self, *_, step=10.0, **__): """Volume down by (default: 10)%""" volume = (self._get_property('volume') or {}).get('volume') if volume is None: return self.status() return self.set_volume(volume=volume - step)
[docs] @action def volup(self, *_, step=10.0, **__): """Volume up by (default: 10)%""" volume = (self._get_property('volume') or {}).get('volume') if volume is None: return self.status() return self.set_volume(volume=volume + step)
[docs] @action def back(self, *_, offset=30.0, **__): """Back by (default: 30) seconds""" self.step_property('time_pos', -offset) return self.status()
[docs] @action def forward(self, *_, offset=30.0, **__): """Forward by (default: 30) seconds""" self.step_property('time_pos', offset) return self.status()
[docs] @action def toggle_subtitles(self, *_, **__): """Toggle the subtitles visibility""" response: dict = self._get_property('sub_visibility') or {} subs = response.get('sub_visibility') self._exec('sub_visibility', int(not subs)) return self.status()
[docs] @action def add_subtitles(self, filename: str, **__): """ Sets media subtitles from filename :param filename: Subtitles file. """ self._exec('sub_visibility', 1) self._exec('sub_load', filename) return self.status()
[docs] @action def remove_subtitles(self, *_, index: Optional[int] = None, **__): """ Removes the subtitle specified by the index (default: all) :param index: (1-based) index of the subtitles track to remove. """ if index is None: self._exec('sub_remove', prefix='pausing_keep_force') else: self._exec('sub_remove', index, prefix='pausing_keep_force') return self.status()
[docs] @action def is_playing(self, *_, **__): """ :returns: True if it's playing, False otherwise """ response: dict = self.get_property('pause').output or {} # type: ignore return response.get('pause') is False
[docs] @action def load(self, resource, *_, mplayer_args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, **__): """ Load a resource/video in the player. """ if mplayer_args is None: mplayer_args = {} return, mplayer_args=mplayer_args)
[docs] @action def mute(self, *_, **__): """Toggle mute state""" self._exec('mute', prefix='pausing_keep_force') return self.status()
[docs] @action def seek(self, position: float, *_, **__): """ Alias for :meth:`.set_position` :param position: Number of seconds relative to the current cursor """ return self.set_position(position)
[docs] @action def set_position(self, position: float, *_, **__): """ Set the playback position. :param position: Number of seconds from the start """ # cur_pos = (self._get_property('time_pos') or {}).get('time_pos') # if cur_pos is None: # return self.status() # self.set_property('time_pos', position - cur_pos) self.set_property('time_pos', position) return self.status()
[docs] @action def set_volume(self, volume: float, *_, **__): """ Set the volume :param volume: Volume value between 0 and 100 """ self._exec('volume', max(0, min(100, volume)), 1, prefix='pausing_keep_force') return self.status()
[docs] @action def status(self): """ Get the current player state. :returns: A dictionary containing the current state. Example:: .. code-block:: javascript { "duration": 300.0, // in seconds "filename": "video.mp4", "fullscreen": false, "mute": false, "name": "video.mp4", "path": "/path/to/video.mp4", "pause": false, "percent_pos": 30.0, "position": 90.0, // in seconds "seekable": true, "state": "play", // or "stop" or "pause" "title": "My Video", "volume": 50.0, "volume_max": 100.0, "url": "file:///path/to/video.mp4", } """ if not self._player: return {'state': PlayerState.STOP.value} status = {} props = { 'duration': 'length', 'filename': 'filename', 'fullscreen': 'fullscreen', 'mute': 'mute', 'name': 'filename', 'path': 'path', 'pause': 'pause', 'percent_pos': 'percent_pos', 'position': 'time_pos', 'title': 'filename', 'volume': 'volume', } with self._status_lock: for prop, player_prop in props.items(): value = self.get_property(player_prop).output if isinstance(value, dict): status[prop] = value.get(player_prop) status['seekable'] = bool(status['duration']) status['state'] = ( PlayerState.PAUSE.value if status['pause'] else PlayerState.PLAY.value ) if status['path']: status['url'] = ( 'file://' if os.path.isfile(status['path']) else '' ) + status['path'] status['volume_max'] = 100 if self._latest_resource: status.update( { k: v for k, v in asdict(self._latest_resource).items() if v is not None } ) return status
def _get_property( self, property: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> dict: args = args or [] response = {} errors = [] result = ( self._exec( 'get_property', property, prefix='pausing_keep_force', wait_for_response=True, *args, ) or {} ) if not result: return response for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'ERROR' and v not in errors: self._handle_property_error(property, args, v, errors) else: response[k] = v assert not errors, f'get_property errors: {errors}' return response def _handle_property_error( self, property: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin args: Optional[Collection[str]], error: str, errors: List[str], ): if error == 'PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE': # This is a workaround to detect the end-of-file event. # When get_property('filename') returns PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE # it means that the player is no longer playing anything if property == 'filename' and self._status.state != PlayerState.STOP: self.quit() else: errors.append(f'{property}{args}: {error}')
[docs] @action def get_property( self, property: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ): """ Get a player property (e.g. pause, fullscreen etc.). See for a full list of the available properties """ return self._get_property(property, args=args)
[docs] @action def set_property( self, property: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin value: Any, args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ): """ Set a player property (e.g. pause, fullscreen etc.). See for a full list of the available properties """ args = args or [] response = Response(output={}) result = ( self._exec( 'set_property', property, value, prefix='pausing_keep_force' if property != 'pause' else None, wait_for_response=True, *args, ) or {} ) for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'ERROR' and v not in response.errors: if not isinstance(response.errors, list): response.errors = [] response.errors.append(f'{property} {value}{args}: {v}') else: if not isinstance(response.output, dict): response.output = {} response.output[k] = v return response
[docs] @action def step_property( self, property: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin value: Any, *_, args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, **__, ): """ Step a player property (e.g. volume, time_pos etc.). See for a full list of the available steppable properties """ args = args or [] response = Response(output={}) result = ( self._exec( 'step_property', property, value, prefix='pausing_keep_force', wait_for_response=True, *args, ) or {} ) for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'ERROR' and v not in response.errors: if not isinstance(response.errors, list): response.errors = [] response.errors.append(f'{property} {value}{args}: {v}') else: if not isinstance(response.output, dict): response.output = {} response.output[k] = v return response
def set_subtitles(self, filename: str, *_, **__): self.logger.debug('set_subtitles called with filename=%s', filename) raise NotImplementedError
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