Source code for

from typing import Collection, Iterable, List, Optional, Type

import requests
from marshmallow import Schema

from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
from import (

[docs] class MediaJellyfinPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with a Jellyfin media server. Note: As of February 2022, this plugin also works with Emby media server instances. Future back-compatibility if the two APIs diverge, however, is not guaranteed. Note: At the current state, it is advised to use API keys retrieved from the frontend rather than the server-generated API keys (open Developer Tools in your browser while logged in to Jellyfin, go to the Network tab, select any request, and grab the ``Token`` from the ``Authorization`` header). This is because of known limitations in the user session management in the Jellyfin API - see `this discussion <>`_ and `this issue <>`_. """ # Maximum number of results returned per query action _default_limit = 100
[docs] def __init__( self, server: str, api_key: str, username: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param server: Jellyfin base server URL (including ``http://`` or ``https://``). :param api_key: Server API key. You can generate one from ``http(s)://your-server/web/index.html#!/apikeys.html``. :param username: Customize results for the specified user (default: user associated to the API token if it's a user token, or the first created user on the platform). """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.server = server.rstrip('/') self.username = username self._api_key = api_key self.__user_id = None
def _execute(self, method: str, url: str, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: url = '/' + url.lstrip('/') url = self.server + url kwargs['headers'] = { **kwargs.get('headers', {}), 'X-Emby-Authorization': 'MediaBrowser Client="Platypush", Device="Platypush", ' f'Token="{self._api_key}"', } rs = getattr(requests, method.lower())(url, *args, **kwargs) if rs.status_code >= 400: try: error = rs.json() except Exception: error = rs.text self.logger.error( 'Error while executing %s on %s: %s', method, url, error, ) rs.raise_for_status() try: return rs.json() except Exception: return rs.text @property def _user_id(self) -> str: if not self.__user_id: try: self.__user_id = self._execute('GET', '/Users/Me')['Id'] except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: assert ( e.response.status_code == 400 ), f'Could not get the current user: {e}' self.__user_id = self._execute('GET', '/Users')[0]['Id'] return self.__user_id def _query( self, url: str, schema_class: Optional[Type[Schema]] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = _default_limit, offset: int = 0, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = True, is_played: Optional[bool] = None, is_favourite: Optional[bool] = None, is_liked: Optional[bool] = None, genres: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, years: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[dict]: filters = [] if is_played is not None: filters.append('IsPlayed' if is_played else 'IsUnplayed') if is_liked is not None: filters.append('Likes' if is_liked else 'Dislikes') kwargs['params'] = { **({'isFavorite': is_favourite} if is_favourite is not None else {}), **({'searchTerm': query} if query else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), 'startIndex': offset, 'includeMedia': True, 'includeOverview': True, 'recursive': recursive, **({'parentId': parent_id} if parent_id else {}), **({'genres': '|'.join(genres)} if genres else {}), **({'tags': '|'.join(tags)} if tags else {}), **({'years': ','.join(map(str, years))} if years else {}), **kwargs.get('params', {}), } results = self._execute(method='get', url=url, **kwargs).get('Items', []) if schema_class: results = schema_class().dump(results, many=True) return results def _flatten_series_result(self, search_result: dict) -> Iterable[dict]: episodes = [] show_id = search_result['Id'] seasons = self._execute( 'get', f'/Shows/{show_id}/Seasons', params={ 'userId': self._user_id, }, ).get('Items', []) for i, season in enumerate(seasons): episodes.extend( JellyfinEpisodeSchema().dump( [ {**episode, 'SeasonIndex': i + 1} for episode in self._execute( 'get', f'/Shows/{show_id}/Episodes', params={ 'userId': self._user_id, 'seasonId': season['Id'], }, ).get('Items', []) ], many=True, ) ) return episodes def _serialize_search_results(self, search_results: Iterable[dict]) -> List[dict]: serialized_results = [] for result in search_results: if result['Type'] == 'Movie': result = JellyfinMovieSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Video': result = JellyfinVideoSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Photo': result = JellyfinPhotoSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Book': result = JellyfinBookSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Episode': result = JellyfinEpisodeSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Audio': result = JellyfinTrackSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Playlist': result = JellyfinPlaylistSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'MusicArtist': result = JellyfinArtistSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'MusicAlbum': result = JellyfinAlbumSchema().dump(result) elif result['Type'] == 'Series': serialized_results += self._flatten_series_result(result) for r in serialized_results: r['type'] = 'episode' elif result.get('IsFolder'): result = JellyfinCollectionSchema().dump(result) if isinstance(result, dict) and result.get('type'): serialized_results.append(result) return serialized_results
[docs] @action def get_artists( self, limit: Optional[int] = _default_limit, offset: int = 0, query: Optional[str] = None, is_played: Optional[bool] = None, is_favourite: Optional[bool] = None, is_liked: Optional[bool] = None, genres: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, years: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of artists on the server. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return (default: 100). :param offset: Return results starting from this (0-based) index (default: 0). :param query: Filter items by this term. :param is_played: Return only played items (or unplayed if set to False). :param is_liked: Return only liked items (or not liked if set to False). :param is_favourite: Return only favourite items (or not favourite if set to False). :param genres: Filter results by (a list of) genres. :param tags: Filter results by (a list of) tags. :param years: Filter results by (a list of) years. :return: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinArtistSchema(many=True) """ return self._query( '/Artists', schema_class=JellyfinArtistSchema, limit=limit, offset=offset, is_favourite=is_favourite, is_played=is_played, is_liked=is_liked, genres=genres, query=query, tags=tags, years=years, )
[docs] @action def get_collections( self, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = False ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get the list of collections associated to the user on the server (Movies, Series, Channels etc.) :param parent_id: Filter collections under the specified parent ID. :param recursive: If true, return all the collections recursively under the parent. :return: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinCollectionSchema(many=True) """ return self._query( f'/Users/{self._user_id}/Items', parent_id=parent_id, schema_class=JellyfinCollectionSchema, recursive=recursive, )
[docs] @action def get_playlists(self) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get the list of playlists associated to the user on the server. :return: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinPlaylistSchema(many=True) """ return self._query( '/Items', schema_class=JellyfinPlaylistSchema, recursive=True, params={ 'userId': self._user_id, 'includeItemTypes': 'Playlist', 'sortBy': 'SortName', }, )
[docs] @action def get_items( self, parent_id: str, recursive: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = _default_limit, ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get all the items under the specified parent ID. :param parent_id: ID of the parent item. :param recursive: If true, return all the items recursively under the parent. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return (default: 100). """ return self._serialize_search_results( self._query( f'/Users/{self._user_id}/Items', parent_id=parent_id, limit=limit, recursive=recursive, ) )
[docs] @action def get_playlist_items( self, playlist_id: str, limit: Optional[int] = 10000, ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get the items in a playlist. :param playlist_id: ID of the playlist. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return (default: 10000). """ return self._serialize_search_results( self._query( f'/Playlists/{playlist_id}/Items', limit=limit, params={'UserId': self._user_id}, ) )
[docs] @action def info(self, item_id: str) -> dict: """ Get the metadata for a specific item. :param parent_id: ID of the parent item. """ ret = self._serialize_search_results( [self._execute('get', f'/Users/{self._user_id}/Items/{item_id}')] ) if not ret: return {} return ret[0]
[docs] @action def search( self, limit: Optional[int] = _default_limit, offset: int = 0, sort_desc: Optional[bool] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, collection: Optional[str] = None, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, has_subtitles: Optional[bool] = None, minimum_community_rating: Optional[int] = None, minimum_critic_rating: Optional[int] = None, is_played: Optional[bool] = None, is_favourite: Optional[bool] = None, is_liked: Optional[bool] = None, genres: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, years: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Perform a search on the server. :param limit: Maximum number of items to return (default: 100). :param offset: Return results starting from this (0-based) index (default: 0). :param sort_desc: Return results in descending order if true, ascending if false. :param query: Filter items by this term. :param collection: ID/name of the collection to search (Movies, TV, Channels etc.) :param parent_id: Filter items under the specified parent ID. :param has_subtitles: Filter items with/without subtitles. :param minimum_community_rating: Filter by minimum community rating. :param minimum_critic_rating: Filter by minimum critic rating. :param is_played: Return only played items (or unplayed if set to False). :param is_liked: Return only liked items (or not liked if set to False). :param is_favourite: Return only favourite items (or not favourite if set to False). :param genres: Filter results by (a list of) genres. :param tags: Filter results by (a list of) tags. :param years: Filter results by (a list of) years. :return: The list of matching results. Schema for artists: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinArtistSchema Schema for collections: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinCollectionSchema Schema for movies: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinMovieSchema Schema for episodes: .. schema:: media.jellyfin.JellyfinEpisodeSchema """ if collection: collections: List[dict] = self.get_collections().output # type: ignore matching_collections = [ c for c in collections if c['id'] == collection or c['name'].lower() == collection.lower() ] if not parent_id: parent_id = ( matching_collections[0]['id'] if matching_collections else None ) results = self._query( f'/Users/{self._user_id}/Items', limit=limit, offset=offset, is_favourite=is_favourite, is_played=is_played, is_liked=is_liked, genres=genres, query=query, tags=tags, years=years, parent_id=parent_id, params={ **( {'sortOrder': 'Descending' if sort_desc else 'Ascending'} if sort_desc is not None else {} ), **( {'hasSubtitles': has_subtitles} if has_subtitles is not None else {} ), **( {'minCriticRating': minimum_critic_rating} if minimum_critic_rating is not None else {} ), **( {'minCommunityRating': minimum_community_rating} if minimum_community_rating is not None else {} ), }, ) return self._serialize_search_results(results)
[docs] @action def create_playlist( self, name: str, public: bool = True, item_ids: Optional[Collection[str]] = None ) -> dict: """ Create a new playlist. :param name: Name of the playlist. :param public: Whether the playlist should be visible to any logged-in user. :param item_ids: List of item IDs to add to the playlist. """ playlist = self._execute( 'POST', '/Playlists', json={ 'Name': name, 'UserId': self._user_id, 'IsPublic': public, 'Items': item_ids or [], }, ) return dict( JellyfinPlaylistSchema().dump( { 'Name': name, 'IsPublic': public, **playlist, } ) )
[docs] @action def delete_item(self, item_id: str) -> dict: """ Delete an item from the server. :param item_id: ID of the item to delete. """ return self._execute('DELETE', f'/Items/{item_id}')
[docs] @action def add_to_playlist(self, playlist_id: str, item_ids: Collection[str]) -> dict: """ Add items to a playlist. :param playlist_id: ID of the playlist. :param item_ids: List of item IDs to add to the playlist. """ return self._execute( 'POST', f'/Playlists/{playlist_id}/Items', params={'ids': ','.join(item_ids)}, )
[docs] @action def remove_from_playlist(self, playlist_id: str, item_ids: Collection[str]) -> dict: """ Remove items from a playlist. :param playlist_id: ID of the playlist. :param item_ids: List of item IDs to remove from the playlist. **Note**: These are the ``playlist_item_id`` on the response of :meth:`.get_playlist_items`, not the ``id``. """ return self._execute( 'DELETE', f'/Playlists/{playlist_id}/Items', params={'EntryIds': ','.join(item_ids)}, )
[docs] @action def playlist_move( self, playlist_id: str, *_, from_pos: Optional[int] = None, to_pos: int, item_id: Optional[str] = None, **__, ): """ Move items in a playlist. Either ``from_pos`` or ``item`` must be specified. :param playlist_id: ID of the playlist. :param from_pos: Starting position of the item to move (0-based). :param to_pos: New position of the item (0-based). :param item_id: Playlist ID of the item to move, as returned by :meth:`.get_playlist_items`. **Note**: This is the ``playlist_item_id`` on the response, not the ``id``. """ assert ( from_pos is not None or item_id is not None ), 'Either from_pos or item must be set' assert ( from_pos is None or item_id is None ), 'Either from_pos or item must be set' assert to_pos >= 0, 'to_pos must be >= 0' if from_pos is not None: assert from_pos >= 0, 'from_pos must be >= 0' if from_pos == to_pos: 'from_pos and to_pos are the same, no need to move the item' ) return items = self._execute( 'GET', f'/Playlists/{playlist_id}/Items', params={ 'userId': self._user_id, 'limit': 25000, }, ).get('Items', []) if len(items) <= from_pos: self.logger.warning( 'Invalid from_pos %d, playlist has only %d items', from_pos, len(items), ) return item_id = items[from_pos]['PlaylistItemId'] self._execute( 'POST', f'/Playlists/{playlist_id}/Items/{item_id}/Move/{to_pos}', )