Source code for platypush.plugins.mastodon

import os
import requests
from typing import Optional, Union, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence

from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action
from platypush.schemas.mastodon import MastodonSchema, MastodonSearchSchema, MastodonAccountCreationSchema, \
    MastodonAccountSchema, MastodonStatusSchema, MastodonFeaturedHashtagSchema, MastodonAccountListSchema, \
    MastodonFilterSchema, MastodonMediaSchema, MastodonConversationSchema, MastodonListSchema, \
from platypush.utils import get_mime_type

[docs] class MastodonPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with `Mastodon <>`_ instances. It requires an active API token associated to an app registered on the instance. In order to get one: - Open ``https://<mastodon-base-url>/settings/applications/`` - Create a new application - Select the scopes relevant for your specific usage. - Take note of the token reported on the *Your access token* row. The notifications subscription service requires the ``ngrok`` plugin and the `http` backend to be enabled, since we need to expose an external URL that the Mastodon instance can call when new events occur. """ class SubscriptionConfig: tunnel_url: str local_port: int auth_secret: str private_key: str public_key: str server_key: str
[docs] def __init__(self, base_url: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ :param base_url: Base URL of the Mastodon web server, in the form of ``https://<domain-name>``. :param access_token: Access token as reported on ``https://<base_url>/settings/applications/<app_id>``. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._base_url = base_url self._access_token = access_token self._subscription_config = self.SubscriptionConfig()
def base_url(self, version: str, base_url: Optional[str] = None) -> str: return f'{base_url or self._base_url}/api/{version}' def _run( self, path: str, method: str = 'get', version: str = 'v2', headers: Optional[dict] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None, access_token: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[MastodonSchema] = None, **kwargs ) -> Optional[Union[dict, list]]: headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token or self._access_token}', 'Accept': 'application/json', **(headers or {}), } method = getattr(requests, method.lower()) rs = method(self.base_url(base_url=base_url, version=version) + '/' + path, headers=headers, **kwargs) rs.raise_for_status() rs = rs.json() if schema: rs = schema.dump(rs) return rs # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] @action def search( self, query: str, type: Optional[str] = None, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, following: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Mapping[str, Iterable[dict]]: """ Perform a search. :param query: Search query. :param type: Filter by type. Supported types: - ``accounts`` - ``hashtags`` - ``statuses`` :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param following: Only return results from accounts followed by the user (default: False). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonSearchSchema """ return self._run( 'search', version='v2', schema=MastodonSearchSchema(), params={ 'q': query, **({'type': type} if type else {}), **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), **({'following': following} if following else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def register_account( self, username: str, email: str, password: str, locale: str = 'en', reason: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Register a new account. It requires the specified API token to have ``write:accounts`` permissions. :param username: User name. :param email: User's email address (must be a valid address). :param password: The password used for the first login. :param locale: Language/encoding for the confirmation email. :param reason: Text that will be reviewed by moderators if registrations require manual approval. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountCreationSchema """ return self._run( 'accounts', method='post', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountCreationSchema(), json={ 'username': username, 'email': email, 'password': password, 'locale': locale, 'reason': reason, 'agreement': True, }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def update_account( self, discoverable: Optional[bool] = None, bot: Optional[bool] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, note: Optional[str] = None, avatar: Optional[str] = None, header: Optional[str] = None, locked: Optional[bool] = None, privacy: Optional[str] = None, sensitive: Optional[bool] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Iterable[Mapping]] = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Updates the properties of the account associated to the access token. It requires the specified API token to have ``write:accounts`` permissions. :param discoverable: Whether the account should be shown in the profile directory. :param bot: Whether the account is a bot. :param display_name: The display name to use for the profile. :param note: The account bio (HTML is supported). :param avatar: Path to an avatar image. :param header: Path to a header image. :param locked: Whether manual approval of follow requests is required. :param privacy: Default post privacy for authored statuses. :param sensitive: Whether to mark authored statuses as sensitive by default. :param language: Default language to use for authored statuses (ISO 6391 code). :param metadata: Profile metadata items with ``name`` and ``value``. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema """ avatar = os.path.expanduser(avatar) if avatar else None header = os.path.expanduser(header) if header else None return self._run( 'accounts/update_credentials', method='patch', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(), data={ **({'discoverable': discoverable} if discoverable is not None else {}), **({'bot': bot} if bot is not None else {}), **({'display_name': display_name} if display_name is not None else {}), **({'note': note} if note is not None else {}), **({'locked': locked} if locked is not None else {}), **({'source[privacy]': privacy} if privacy is not None else {}), **({'source[sensitive]': sensitive} if sensitive is not None else {}), **({'source[language]': language} if language is not None else {}), **({'fields_attributes': metadata} if metadata is not None else {}), }, files={ **({'avatar': ( os.path.basename(avatar), open(avatar, 'rb'), get_mime_type(avatar) )} if avatar is not None else {}), **({'header': ( os.path.basename(header), open(header, 'rb'), get_mime_type(header) )} if header is not None else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Retrieve an account by ID. It requires the specified API token to have ``read:accounts`` permissions. :param account_id: Account ID to retrieve. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema """ return self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(), **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_statuses(self, account_id: str, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve statuses by account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/statuses', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_followers(self, account_id: str, max_id: Optional[str] = None, since_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of followers of an account. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:accounts`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param since_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/followers', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(many=True), params={ **({'since_id': since_id} if since_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_following(self, account_id: str, max_id: Optional[str] = None, since_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of accounts followed by a specified account. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:accounts`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param since_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/following', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(many=True), params={ **({'since_id': since_id} if since_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def follow_account(self, account_id: str, notify: bool = False, reblogs: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Follow a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:follows`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param notify: Receive notifications when this account posts a new status (default: False). :param reblogs: Receive this account's reblogs on your timeline (default: True). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/follow', version='v1', method='post', json={'notify': notify, 'reblogs': reblogs}, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unfollow_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Unfollow a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:follows`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/unfollow', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def block_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Block a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:blocks`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/block', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unblock_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Unblock a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:blocks`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/unblock', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def mute_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Mute a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:mutes`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/mute', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unmute_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Unmute a given account ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:mutes`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/unmute', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def pin_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Pin a given account ID to your profile. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:accounts`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/pin', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unpin_account(self, account_id: str, **kwargs): """ Unpin a given account ID from your profile. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:accounts`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/unpin', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def set_account_note(self, account_id: str, note: str, **kwargs): """ Set a private note for an account. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:accounts`` permission. :param account_id: Account ID. :param note: Note content (HTML is supported). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ self._run( f'accounts/{account_id}/note', version='v1', method='post', json={'comment': note}, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_bookmarked_statuses(self, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of statuses bookmarked by the user. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:bookmarks`` permission. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'bookmarks', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_favourited_statuses(self, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of statuses favourited by the account. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:favourites`` permission. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'favourites', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_muted_accounts(self, max_id: Optional[str] = None, since_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of muted accounts. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:mutes`` permission. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param since_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'mutes', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(many=True), params={ **({'since_id': since_id} if since_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_blocked_accounts(self, max_id: Optional[str] = None, since_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of blocked accounts. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:blocks`` permission. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param since_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'blocks', version='v1', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(many=True), params={ **({'since_id': since_id} if since_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_filters(self, **kwargs) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Retrieve the list of filters created by the account. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:filters`` permission. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonFilterSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'filters', version='v1', schema=MastodonFilterSchema(many=True), **kwargs )
[docs] @action def create_filter(self, phrase: str, context: Iterable[str], irreversible: Optional[bool] = None, whole_word: Optional[bool] = None, expires_in: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Create a new filter. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:filters`` permission. :param phrase: Text to be filtered. :param context: Array of enumerable strings: ``home``, ``notifications``, ``public``, ``thread``. At least one context must be specified. :param irreversible: Should the server irreversibly drop matching entities from home and notifications? :param whole_word: Consider word boundaries? :param expires_in: Expires in the specified number of seconds. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonFilterSchema """ return self._run( 'filters', version='v1', method='post', schema=MastodonFilterSchema(), json={ 'phrase': phrase, 'context': context, **({'irreversible': irreversible} if irreversible is not None else {}), **({'whole_word': whole_word} if whole_word is not None else {}), **({'expires_in': expires_in} if expires_in is not None else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def update_filter(self, filter_id: int, phrase: Optional[str] = None, context: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, irreversible: Optional[bool] = None, whole_word: Optional[bool] = None, expires_in: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Update a filter. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:filters`` permission. :param filter_id: Filter ID. :param phrase: Text to be filtered. :param context: Array of enumerable strings: ``home``, ``notifications``, ``public``, ``thread``. At least one context must be specified. :param irreversible: Should the server irreversibly drop matching entities from home and notifications? :param whole_word: Consider word boundaries? :param expires_in: Expires in the specified number of seconds. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonFilterSchema """ return self._run( f'filters/{filter_id}', version='v1', method='put', schema=MastodonFilterSchema(), json={ **({'phrase': phrase} if phrase is not None else {}), **({'context': context} if context is not None else {}), **({'irreversible': irreversible} if irreversible is not None else {}), **({'whole_word': whole_word} if whole_word is not None else {}), **({'expires_in': expires_in} if expires_in is not None else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def remove_filter(self, filter_id: int, **kwargs): """ Remove a filter. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:filters`` permission. :param filter_id: Filter ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'filters/{filter_id}', version='v1', method='delete', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def publish_status(self, status: str, in_reply_to_id: Optional[str] = None, media_ids: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, sensitive: Optional[bool] = None, spoiler_text: Optional[str] = None, visibility: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Publish a new status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:statuses`` permission. :param status: Content of the status to publish. :param in_reply_to_id: Post the status in reply to this status ID. :param media_ids: Optional list of media IDs to add as attachments. :param sensitive: Set to true if sensitive. :param spoiler_text: Set for optional spoiler text. :param visibility: Supported values: ``public``, ``unlisted``, ``private`` and ``direct``. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema """ return self._run( 'statuses', version='v1', method='post', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(), json={ 'status': status, **({'in_reply_to_id': in_reply_to_id} if in_reply_to_id is None else {}), **({'media_ids': media_ids} if media_ids else {}), **({'sensitive': sensitive} if sensitive is None else {}), **({'spoiler_text': spoiler_text} if spoiler_text is None else {}), **({'visibility': visibility} if visibility is None else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Get a status by ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(), **kwargs )
[docs] @action def remove_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Remove a status by ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}', version='v1', method='delete', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def add_favourite_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Favourite a status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:favourites`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/favourite', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def remove_favourite_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Undo a status favourite action. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:favourites`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/favourite', version='v1', method='delete', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def reblog_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Reblog (a.k.a. reshare/boost) a status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:statuses`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/reblog', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def undo_reblog_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Undo a status reblog. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:statuses`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/unreblog', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def bookmark_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Add a status to the bookmarks. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:bookmarks`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/bookmark', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def undo_bookmark_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Remove a status from the bookmarks. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:bookmarks`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/unbookmark', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def mute_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Mute updates on a status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:mutes`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/mute', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unmute_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Restore updates on a status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:mutes`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/unmute', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def pin_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Pin a status to the profile. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:accounts`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/pin', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def unpin_status(self, status_id: str, **kwargs): """ Remove a pinned status. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:accounts`` permission. :param status_id: Status ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'statuses/{status_id}/unpin', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def upload_media(self, file: str, description: Optional[str] = None, thumbnail: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Upload media that can be used as attachments. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:media`` permission. :param file: Path to the file to upload. :param thumbnail: Path to the file thumbnail. :param description: Optional attachment description. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonMediaSchema """ file_path = os.path.expanduser(file) thumbnail_path = os.path.expanduser(thumbnail) if thumbnail else None return self._run( 'media', version='v1', method='post', schema=MastodonMediaSchema(), data={ **({'description': description} if description else {}), }, files={ 'file': ( os.path.basename(file_path), open(file_path, 'rb'), get_mime_type(file_path) ), **( { 'thumbnail': ( os.path.basename(thumbnail_path), open(os.path.expanduser(thumbnail_path), 'rb'), get_mime_type(thumbnail_path) ), } if thumbnail_path else {} ), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def update_media(self, media_id: str, file: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, thumbnail: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Update a media attachment. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:media`` permission. :param media_id: Media ID to update. :param file: Path to the new file. :param description: New description. :param thumbnail: Path to the new thumbnail. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonMediaSchema """ file = os.path.expanduser(file) thumbnail = os.path.expanduser(thumbnail) return self._run( f'media/{media_id}', version='v1', method='put', schema=MastodonMediaSchema(), data={ **({'description': description} if description else {}), }, files={ 'file': ( os.path.basename(file), open(file, 'rb'), get_mime_type(file) ), **( { 'thumbnail': ( os.path.basename(thumbnail), open(os.path.expanduser(thumbnail), 'rb'), get_mime_type(thumbnail) ), } if thumbnail else {} ), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_public_timeline( self, local: bool = False, remote: bool = False, only_media: bool = False, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of statuses from the public timeline. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param local: Retrieve only local statuses (default: ``False``). :param remote: Retrieve only remote statuses (default: ``False``). :param only_media: Retrieve only statuses with media attached (default: ``False``). :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'timelines/public', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'local': local} if local else {}), **({'remote': remote} if remote else {}), **({'only_media': only_media} if only_media else {}), **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_hashtag_timeline( self, hashtag: str, local: bool = False, only_media: bool = False, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of statuses associated to a hashtag. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param hashtag: Hashtag to search. :param local: Retrieve only local statuses (default: ``False``). :param only_media: Retrieve only statuses with media attached (default: ``False``). :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'timelines/tag/{hashtag}', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'local': local} if local else {}), **({'only_media': only_media} if only_media else {}), **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_home_timeline( self, local: bool = False, only_media: bool = False, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of statuses from the followed users. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param local: Retrieve only local statuses (default: ``False``). :param only_media: Retrieve only statuses with media attached (default: ``False``). :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'timelines/home', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'local': local} if local else {}), **({'only_media': only_media} if only_media else {}), **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_list_timeline( self, list_id: str, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of statuses from a list timeline. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param offset: Return results from this offset (default: 0). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonStatusSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'timelines/list/{list_id}', version='v1', schema=MastodonStatusSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), **({'offset': offset} if offset else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_conversations( self, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get a list of user conversations. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:statuses`` permission. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonConversationSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'conversations', version='v1', schema=MastodonConversationSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def remove_conversation(self, conversation_id: int, **kwargs): """ Remove a conversation by ID. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write_conversations`` permission. :param conversation_id: Conversation ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'conversations/{conversation_id}', version='v1', method='delete', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def mark_conversation_as_read(self, conversation_id: int, **kwargs): """ Mark a conversation as read. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write_conversations`` permission. :param conversation_id: Conversation ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'conversations/{conversation_id}/read', version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_lists(self, list_id: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, Iterable[dict]]: """ Get the lists owned by the logged user. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:lists`` permission. :param list_id: Retrieve a specific list ID (default: retrieve all). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonListSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( 'lists' + (f'/{list_id}' if list_id else ''), version='v1', method='get', schema=MastodonListSchema(many=list_id is None), **kwargs )
[docs] @action def create_list(self, title: str, replies_policy: str = 'list', **kwargs) -> dict: """ Create a new list. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:lists`` permission. :param title: List title. :param replies_policy: Possible values: ``none``, ``following`` or ``list``. Default: ``list``. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonListSchema """ return self._run( 'lists', version='v1', method='post', schema=MastodonListSchema(), data={'title': title, 'replies_policy': replies_policy}, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def update_list( self, list_id: int, title: Optional[str], replies_policy: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Update a list. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param title: New list title. :param replies_policy: New replies policy. Possible values: ``none``, ``following`` or ``list``. Default: ``list``. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonListSchema """ return self._run( f'lists/{list_id}', version='v1', method='put', schema=MastodonListSchema(), data={ **({'title': title} if title else {}), **({'replies_policy': replies_policy} if replies_policy else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def delete_list(self, list_id: int, **kwargs): """ Delete a list. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( f'lists/{list_id}', version='v1', method='delete', **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_list_accounts( self, list_id: Optional[int] = None, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[dict]: """ Get the accounts in a list. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonAccountSchema(many=True) """ return self._run( f'lists/{list_id}/accounts', version='v1', method='get', schema=MastodonAccountSchema(many=True), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def add_accounts_to_list(self, list_id: int, account_ids: Sequence[str], **kwargs): """ Add accounts to a list. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param account_ids: Accounts that should be added. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonListSchema """ return self._run( f'lists/{list_id}/accounts', version='v1', method='post', data={'account_ids': account_ids}, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def remove_accounts_from_list(self, list_id: int, account_ids: Sequence[str], **kwargs): """ Remove accounts from a list It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:lists`` permission. :param list_id: List ID. :param account_ids: Accounts that should be removed. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonListSchema """ return self._run( f'lists/{list_id}/accounts', version='v1', method='delete', data={'account_ids': account_ids}, **kwargs )
[docs] @action def get_notifications( self, notification_id: Optional[str] = None, min_id: Optional[str] = None, max_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 20, **kwargs ) -> Union[dict, Iterable[dict]]: """ Get the list of notifications of the user. It requires the specified API token to have the ``read:notifications`` permission. :param notification_id: If specified then retrieve only the notification associated to this ID. :param min_id: Return results newer than this ID. :param max_id: Return results older than this ID. :param limit: Maximum number of results (default: 20). :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. :return: .. schema:: mastodon.MastodonNotificationSchema(many=True) """ rs = self._run( 'notifications' + (f'/{notification_id}' if notification_id else ''), version='v1', method='get', schema=MastodonNotificationSchema(many=notification_id is None), params={ **({'min_id': min_id} if min_id else {}), **({'max_id': max_id} if max_id else {}), **({'limit': limit} if limit else {}), }, **kwargs ) return rs
[docs] @action def dismiss_notifications(self, notification_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ Dismiss notifications. It requires the specified API token to have the ``write:notifications`` permission. :param notification_id: Dismiss only this notification. :param kwargs: ``base_url``/``access_token`` override. """ return self._run( 'notifications/' + ( f'{notification_id}/dismiss' if notification_id else 'clear' ), version='v1', method='post', **kwargs )
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