Source code for platypush.plugins.light.hue

import os
import pathlib
import random
import shutil
import statistics
import time

from enum import Enum
from threading import Thread, Event
from typing import (
from platypush.config import Config
from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.entities import Entity, LightEntityManager
from platypush.entities.lights import Light as LightEntity
from platypush.message.event.light import (
from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action

[docs] class LightHuePlugin(RunnablePlugin, LightEntityManager): """ Philips Hue lights plugin. """ MAX_BRI = 255 MAX_SAT = 255 MAX_HUE = 65535 MIN_CT = 154 MAX_CT = 500 ANIMATION_CTRL_QUEUE_NAME = 'platypush/light/hue/AnimationCtrl' _MAX_RECONNECT_SECS = 60 _UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR = 'The Hue bridge is not initialized'
[docs] class Animation(Enum): """ Inner class to model light animations. """ COLOR_TRANSITION = 'color_transition' BLINK = 'blink' def __eq__(self, other): """ Check if the configuration of two light animations matches. """ if isinstance(other, str): return self.value == other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self == other return False
[docs] def __init__( self, bridge: str, lights: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, groups: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, poll_interval: Optional[float] = 20.0, config_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param bridge: Bridge address or hostname :param lights: Default lights to be controlled (default: all) :param groups: Default groups to be controlled (default: all) :param poll_interval: How often the plugin should check the bridge for light updates (default: 20 seconds). :param config_file: Path to the phue configuration file containing the access token to authenticate to the Hue bridge and the bridge configuration (default: ``<WORKDIR>/light.hue/config.json``). """ poll_seconds = kwargs.pop('poll_seconds', None) if poll_seconds is not None: self.logger.warning('poll_seconds is deprecated, use poll_interval instead') if poll_interval is None: poll_interval = poll_seconds super().__init__(**kwargs) self.bridge_address = bridge self.bridge = None 'Initializing Hue lights plugin - bridge: "%s"', self.bridge_address ) self._init_config_file(config_file) self.connect() self.lights = set() self.groups = set() self.poll_interval = poll_interval self._cached_lights: Dict[str, dict] = {} if lights: self.lights = set(lights) elif groups: self.groups = set(groups) self.lights.update(self._expand_groups(self.groups)) else: self.lights = {light['name'] for light in self._get_lights().values()} self.animation_thread = None self.animations: Dict[str, dict] = {} self._animation_stop = Event() self._init_animations()'Configured lights: %s', self.lights)
def _init_config_file(self, config_file: Optional[str] = None): self.config_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( config_file or os.path.join(Config.get_workdir(), 'light.hue', 'config.json') ) ) pathlib.Path(self.config_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Check if the phue default ~/.python_hue file is present, and if so # copy it to our location legacy_config_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.python_hue') if os.path.isfile(legacy_config_file) and not os.path.exists(self.config_file): shutil.copy(legacy_config_file, self.config_file) def _expand_groups(self, groups: Iterable[str]) -> Set[str]: lights = set() light_id_to_name = { light_id: light['name'] for light_id, light in (self._get_lights().items()) } groups_ = [g for g in self._get_groups().values() if g.get('name') in groups] for group in groups_: for light_id in group.get('lights', []): light_name = light_id_to_name.get(light_id) if light_name: lights.add(light_name) return lights def _init_animations(self): self.animations = { 'groups': {}, 'lights': {}, } for group_id in self._get_groups(): self.animations['groups'][group_id] = None for light_id in self._get_lights(): self.animations['lights'][light_id] = None @classmethod def _parse_error(cls, response) -> Optional[str]: errors = [] if isinstance(response, (list, tuple, set)): errors = [e for e in [cls._parse_error(r) for r in response] if e] elif isinstance(response, dict): error = response.get('error') if not error: return None if isinstance(error, dict): error = error.get('description', error.get('type', 'Unknown error')) errors = [error] return ', '.join(errors)
[docs] @action def connect(self): """ Connect to the configured Hue bridge. If the device hasn't been paired yet, uncomment the ``.connect()`` and ``.get_api()`` lines and retry after clicking the pairing button on your bridge. """ # Lazy init if not self.bridge: from phue import Bridge, PhueRegistrationException n_tries = 0 retry_secs = 2 while True: try: n_tries += 1 self.bridge = Bridge( self.bridge_address, config_file_path=self.config_file ) self.bridge.connect() # Check the connection (newer versions of the API may not # throw an exception if the bridge is not paired) err = self._parse_error(self.bridge.get_api()) if err in { 'method, GET, not available for resource, /', 'unauthorized user', }: raise PhueRegistrationException(id=1, message=err) assert not err, err break except Exception as e: retry_secs = min(retry_secs * 2, self._MAX_RECONNECT_SECS) if isinstance(e, PhueRegistrationException): self.logger.warning('Bridge registration error: %s', e.message) # type: ignore err = 'Press the pairing button on the bridge' if os.path.exists(self.config_file): err += f', or remove the config file {self.config_file}' legacy_config_file = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), '.python_hue' ) if os.path.exists(legacy_config_file): err += f' (or {legacy_config_file})' else: self.logger.error('Error connecting to the bridge: %s', e)'Retrying in %d seconds', retry_secs) time.sleep(retry_secs)'Bridge connected') self.get_scenes() else:'Bridge already connected')
[docs] @action def get_scenes(self): """ Get the available scenes on the devices. :returns: The scenes configured on the bridge. Example output:: { "scene-id-1": { "name": "Scene 1", "lights": [ "1", "3" ], "owner": "owner-id", "recycle": true, "locked": false, "appdata": {}, "picture": "", "lastupdated": "2018-06-01T00:00:00", "version": 1 } } """ return { id: { 'id': id, **scene, } for id, scene in self._get_scenes().items() }
[docs] @action def get_lights(self): """ Get the configured lights. :returns: List of available lights as id->dict. Example:: { "1": { "state": { "on": true, "bri": 254, "hue": 1532, "sat": 215, "effect": "none", "xy": [ 0.6163, 0.3403 ], "ct": 153, "alert": "none", "colormode": "hs", "reachable": true }, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Lightbulb 1", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77-88", "swversion": "" } } """ return { id: { 'id': id, **light, } for id, light in self._get_lights(publish_entities=True).items() }
[docs] @action def get_groups(self): """ Get the list of configured light groups. :returns: List of configured light groups as id->dict. Example:: { "1": { "name": "Living Room", "lights": [ "16", "13", "12", "11", "10", "9", "1", "3" ], "type": "Room", "state": { "all_on": true, "any_on": true }, "class": "Living room", "action": { "on": true, "bri": 241, "hue": 37947, "sat": 221, "effect": "none", "xy": [ 0.2844, 0.2609 ], "ct": 153, "alert": "none", "colormode": "hs" } } } """ return { id: { 'id': id, **group, } for id, group in self._get_groups().items() }
[docs] @action def get_animations(self): """ Get the list of running light animations. :returns: dict. Structure:: { "groups": { "id_1": { "type": "color_transition", "hue_range": [0,65535], "sat_range": [0,255], "bri_range": [0,255], "hue_step": 10, "sat_step": 10, "bri_step": 2, "transition_seconds": 2 } }, "lights": { "id_1": {} } } """ return self.animations
def _exec(self, attr, *args, **kwargs): try: self.connect() self.stop_animation() except Exception as e: # Reset bridge connection self.bridge = None raise e assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR lights = [] groups = [] if 'lights' in kwargs: lights = ( kwargs.pop('lights').split(',').strip() if isinstance(lights, str) else kwargs.pop('lights') ) if 'groups' in kwargs: groups = ( kwargs.pop('groups').split(',').strip() if isinstance(groups, str) else kwargs.pop('groups') ) if not lights and not groups: lights = self.lights groups = self.groups if not self.bridge: self.connect() try: if attr == 'scene': assert groups, 'No groups specified' self.bridge.run_scene(list(groups)[0], kwargs.pop('name')) else: if groups: self.bridge.set_group(list(groups), attr, *args, **kwargs) if lights: self.bridge.set_light(list(lights), attr, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # Reset bridge connection self.bridge = None raise e return self._get_lights(publish_entities=True)
[docs] @action def set_lights(self, lights, *_, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Set a set of properties on a set of lights. :param light: List of lights to set. Each item can represent a light name or ID. :param kwargs: key-value list of the parameters to set. Example call:: { "type": "request", "action": "light.hue.set_lights", "args": { "lights": ["Bulb 1", "Bulb 2"], "sat": 255 } } """ self.connect() assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR all_lights = self._get_lights() for i, l in enumerate(lights): if str(l) in all_lights: lights[i] = all_lights[str(l)]['name'] # Convert entity attributes to local attributes if kwargs.get('saturation') is not None: kwargs['sat'] = kwargs.pop('saturation') if kwargs.get('brightness') is not None: kwargs['bri'] = kwargs.pop('brightness') if kwargs.get('temperature') is not None: kwargs['ct'] = kwargs.pop('temperature') # "Unroll" the map args = [] for arg, value in kwargs.items(): args += [arg, value] assert len(args) > 1, 'Not enough parameters passed to set_lights' param = args.pop(0) value = args.pop(0) self.bridge.set_light(lights, param, value, *args) return self._get_lights(publish_entities=True)
[docs] @action def set_group(self, group, **kwargs): """ Set a group (or groups) property. :param group: Group or groups to set. Can be a string representing the group name, a group object, a list of strings, or a list of group objects. :param kwargs: key-value list of parameters to set. Example call:: { "type": "request", "action": "light.hue.set_group", "args": { "light": "Living Room", "sat": 255 } } """ self.connect() assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR self.bridge.set_group(group, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def on( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs ): """ Turn lights/groups on. :param lights: Lights to turn on (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to turn on (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec('on', True, lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def off( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs ): """ Turn lights/groups off. :param lights: Lights to turn off (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to turn off (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec('on', False, lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def toggle( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs ): """ Toggle lights/groups on/off. :param lights: Lights to turn off (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to turn off (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] lights_on = [] lights_off = [] groups_on = [] groups_off = [] if groups: all_groups = self._get_groups().values() groups_on = [ group['name'] for group in all_groups if group['name'] in groups and group['state']['any_on'] is True ] groups_off = [ group['name'] for group in all_groups if group['name'] in groups and group['state']['any_on'] is False ] if not groups and not lights: lights = self.lights if lights: all_lights = self._get_lights() lights_on = [ light['name'] for light_id, light in all_lights.items() if (light_id in lights or light['name'] in lights) and light['state']['on'] is True ] lights_off = [ light['name'] for light_id, light in all_lights.items() if (light_id in lights or light['name'] in lights) and light['state']['on'] is False ] if lights_on or groups_on: self._exec('on', False, lights=lights_on, groups=groups_on, **kwargs) if lights_off or groups_off: self._exec('on', True, lights=lights_off, groups=groups_off, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def bri(self, value, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set lights/groups brightness. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param value: Brightness value (range: 0-255) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec( 'bri', int(value) % (self.MAX_BRI + 1), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs, )
[docs] @action def sat(self, value, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set lights/groups saturation. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param value: Saturation value (range: 0-255) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec( 'sat', int(value) % (self.MAX_SAT + 1), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs, )
[docs] @action def hue(self, value, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set lights/groups color hue. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param value: Hue value (range: 0-65535) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec( 'hue', int(value) % (self.MAX_HUE + 1), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs, )
[docs] @action def xy(self, value, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set lights/groups XY colors. :param value: xY value :type value: list[float] containing the two values :param lights: List of lights. :param groups: List of groups. """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec('xy', value, lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def ct(self, value, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set lights/groups color temperature. :param value: Temperature value (range: 154-500) :type value: int :param lights: List of lights. :param groups: List of groups. """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec('ct', value, lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def delta_bri(self, delta, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Change lights/groups brightness by a delta [-100, 100] compared to the current state. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param delta: Brightness delta value (range: -100, 100) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] if lights: bri = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['bri'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in lights ] ) elif groups: bri = statistics.mean( [ group['action']['bri'] for group in self._get_groups().values() if group['name'] in groups ] ) else: bri = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['bri'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in self.lights ] ) delta *= self.MAX_BRI / 100 if bri + delta < 0: bri = 0 elif bri + delta > self.MAX_BRI: bri = self.MAX_BRI else: bri += delta return self._exec('bri', int(bri), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def delta_sat(self, delta, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Change lights/groups saturation by a delta [-100, 100] compared to the current state. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param delta: Saturation delta value (range: -100, 100) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] if lights: sat = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['sat'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in lights ] ) elif groups: sat = statistics.mean( [ group['action']['sat'] for group in self._get_groups().values() if group['name'] in groups ] ) else: sat = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['sat'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in self.lights ] ) delta *= self.MAX_SAT / 100 if sat + delta < 0: sat = 0 elif sat + delta > self.MAX_SAT: sat = self.MAX_SAT else: sat += delta return self._exec('sat', int(sat), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def delta_hue(self, delta, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Change lights/groups hue by a delta [-100, 100] compared to the current state. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param delta: Hue delta value (range: -100, 100) """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] if lights: hue = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['hue'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in lights ] ) elif groups: hue = statistics.mean( [ group['action']['hue'] for group in self._get_groups().values() if group['name'] in groups ] ) else: hue = statistics.mean( [ light['state']['hue'] for light in self._get_lights().values() if light['name'] in self.lights ] ) delta *= self.MAX_HUE / 100 if hue + delta < 0: hue = 0 elif hue + delta > self.MAX_HUE: hue = self.MAX_HUE else: hue += delta return self._exec('hue', int(hue), lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def scene(self, name, lights=None, groups=None, **kwargs): """ Set a scene by name. :param lights: Lights to control (names or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param name: Name of the scene """ if groups is None: groups = [] if lights is None: lights = [] return self._exec('scene', name=name, lights=lights, groups=groups, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def is_animation_running(self): """ :returns: True if there is an animation running, false otherwise. """ return self.animation_thread is not None and self.animation_thread.is_alive()
[docs] @action def stop_animation(self): """ Stop a running animation. """ if self.is_animation_running(): self._animation_stop.set() self._init_animations()
[docs] @action def animate( self, animation, duration=None, hue_range=None, sat_range=None, bri_range=None, lights=None, groups=None, hue_step=1000, sat_step=2, bri_step=1, transition_seconds=1.0, ): """ Run a lights animation. :param animation: Animation name. Supported types: **color_transition** and **blink** :type animation: str :param duration: Animation duration in seconds (default: None, i.e. continue until stop) :type duration: float :param hue_range: If you selected a ``color_transition``, this will specify the hue range of your color ``color_transition``. Default: [0, 65535] :type hue_range: list[int] :param sat_range: If you selected a color ``color_transition``, this will specify the saturation range of your color ``color_transition``. Default: [0, 255] :type sat_range: list[int] :param bri_range: If you selected a color ``color_transition``, this will specify the brightness range of your color ``color_transition``. Default: [254, 255] :type bri_range: list[int] :param lights: Lights to control (names, IDs or light objects). Default: plugin default lights :param groups: Groups to control (names, IDs or group objects). Default: plugin default groups :param hue_step: If you selected a color ``color_transition``, this will specify by how much the color hue will change between iterations. Default: 1000 :type hue_step: int :param sat_step: If you selected a color ``color_transition``, this will specify by how much the saturation will change between iterations. Default: 2 :type sat_step: int :param bri_step: If you selected a color ``color_transition``, this will specify by how much the brightness will change between iterations. Default: 1 :type bri_step: int :param transition_seconds: Time between two transitions or blinks in seconds. Default: 1.0 :type transition_seconds: float """ self.stop_animation() self._animation_stop.clear() all_lights = self._get_lights() bri_range = bri_range or [self.MAX_BRI - 1, self.MAX_BRI] sat_range = sat_range or [0, self.MAX_SAT] hue_range = hue_range or [0, self.MAX_HUE] if groups: groups = { group_id: group for group_id, group in self._get_groups().items() if group.get('name') in groups or group_id in groups } lights = set(lights or []) lights.update(self._expand_groups([g['name'] for g in groups.values()])) elif lights: lights = { light['name'] for light_id, light in all_lights.items() if light['name'] in lights or int(light_id) in lights } else: lights = self.lights info = { 'type': animation, 'duration': duration, 'hue_range': hue_range, 'sat_range': sat_range, 'bri_range': bri_range, 'hue_step': hue_step, 'sat_step': sat_step, 'bri_step': bri_step, 'transition_seconds': transition_seconds, } if groups: for group_id in groups: self.animations['groups'][group_id] = info for light_id, light in all_lights.items(): if light['name'] in lights: self.animations['lights'][light_id] = info def _initialize_light_attrs(lights): lights_by_name = { light['name']: light for light in self._get_lights().values() } if animation == self.Animation.COLOR_TRANSITION: return { light: { **( {'hue': random.randint(hue_range[0], hue_range[1])} # type: ignore if 'hue' in lights_by_name.get(light, {}).get('state', {}) else {} ), **( {'sat': random.randint(sat_range[0], sat_range[1])} # type: ignore if 'sat' in lights_by_name.get(light, {}).get('state', {}) else {} ), **( {'bri': random.randint(bri_range[0], bri_range[1])} # type: ignore if 'bri' in lights_by_name.get(light, {}).get('state', {}) else {} ), } for light in lights } elif animation == self.Animation.BLINK: return { light: { 'on': True, **({'bri': self.MAX_BRI} if 'bri' in light else {}), 'transitiontime': 0, } for light in lights } raise AssertionError(f'Unknown animation type: {animation}') def _next_light_attrs(lights): if animation == self.Animation.COLOR_TRANSITION: for light, attrs in lights.items(): for attr, value in attrs.items(): if attr == 'hue': attr_range = hue_range attr_step = hue_step elif attr == 'bri': attr_range = bri_range attr_step = bri_step elif attr == 'sat': attr_range = sat_range attr_step = sat_step else: continue lights[light][attr] = ( (value - attr_range[0] + attr_step) % (attr_range[1] - attr_range[0] + 1) ) + attr_range[0] elif animation == self.Animation.BLINK: lights = { light: { 'on': not attrs['on'], 'bri': self.MAX_BRI, 'transitiontime': 0, } for (light, attrs) in lights.items() } return lights def _should_stop(): return self._animation_stop.is_set() def _animate_thread(lights): get_bus().post( LightAnimationStartedEvent( lights=lights, groups=list((groups or {}).keys()), animation=animation, ) ) lights = _initialize_light_attrs(lights) animation_start_time = time.time() stop_animation = False while not stop_animation and not ( duration and time.time() - animation_start_time > duration ): assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR try: if animation == self.Animation.COLOR_TRANSITION: for light, attrs in lights.items(): self.logger.debug('Setting %s to %s', lights, attrs) self.bridge.set_light(light, attrs) elif animation == self.Animation.BLINK: conf = lights[list(lights.keys())[0]] self.logger.debug('Setting lights to %s', conf) if groups: self.bridge.set_group( [g['name'] for g in groups.values()], conf ) else: self.bridge.set_light(lights.keys(), conf) if transition_seconds: time.sleep(transition_seconds) stop_animation = _should_stop() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(e) time.sleep(2) lights = _next_light_attrs(lights) get_bus().post( LightAnimationStoppedEvent( lights=list(lights.keys()), groups=list((groups or {}).keys()), animation=animation, ) ) self.animation_thread = None self.animation_thread = Thread( target=_animate_thread, name='HueAnimate', args=(lights,) ) self.animation_thread.start()
def _get_light_attr(self, light, attr: str): try: return getattr(light, attr, None) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def transform_entities( self, entities: Union[Iterable[Union[dict, Entity]], Mapping[Any, dict]] ) -> Collection[Entity]: new_entities = [] if isinstance(entities, dict): entities = [{'id': id, **e} for id, e in entities.items()] for entity in entities: if isinstance(entity, Entity): new_entities.append(entity) elif isinstance(entity, dict): new_entities.append( LightEntity( id=entity['id'], name=entity['name'], description=entity.get('type'), on=entity.get('state', {}).get('on', False), brightness=entity.get('state', {}).get('bri'), saturation=entity.get('state', {}).get('sat'), hue=entity.get('state', {}).get('hue'), temperature=entity.get('state', {}).get('ct'), colormode=entity.get('colormode'), reachable=entity.get('state', {}).get('reachable'), x=( entity['state']['xy'][0] if entity.get('state', {}).get('xy') else None ), y=( entity['state']['xy'][1] if entity.get('state', {}).get('xy') else None ), effect=entity.get('state', {}).get('effect'), **( { 'hue_min': 0, 'hue_max': self.MAX_HUE, } if entity.get('state', {}).get('hue') is not None else {} ), **( { 'saturation_min': 0, 'saturation_max': self.MAX_SAT, } if entity.get('state', {}).get('sat') is not None else {} ), **( { 'brightness_min': 0, 'brightness_max': self.MAX_BRI, } if entity.get('state', {}).get('bri') is not None else {} ), **( { 'temperature_min': self.MIN_CT, 'temperature_max': self.MAX_CT, } if entity.get('state', {}).get('ct') is not None else {} ), ) ) return new_entities
def _get_lights(self, publish_entities=False) -> dict: assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR lights = self.bridge.get_light() lights = {id: light for id, light in lights.items() if not light.get('recycle')} self._cached_lights = lights if publish_entities: self.publish_entities(lights) # type: ignore return lights def _get_groups(self) -> dict: assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR groups = self.bridge.get_group() or {} return {id: group for id, group in groups.items() if not group.get('recycle')} def _get_scenes(self) -> dict: assert self.bridge, self._UNINITIALIZED_BRIDGE_ERR scenes = self.bridge.get_scene() or {} return {id: scene for id, scene in scenes.items() if not scene.get('recycle')}
[docs] @action def status(self, *_, **__) -> Iterable[LightEntity]: lights = self.transform_entities(self._get_lights(publish_entities=True)) for light in lights: = light.external_id # type: ignore for attr, value in ( or {}).items(): setattr(light, attr, value) if light.external_id is not None: del light.external_id if is not None: del return lights
def main(self): lights_prev = self._get_lights(publish_entities=True) # Initialize the lights while not self.should_stop(): try: lights_new = self._get_lights() for light_id, light in lights_new.items(): event_args = {} new_state = light.get('state', {}) prev_state = lights_prev.get(light_id, {}).get('state', {}) for attr in ['on', 'bri', 'sat', 'hue', 'ct', 'xy']: if attr in new_state and new_state.get(attr) != prev_state.get( attr ): event_args[attr] = new_state.get(attr) if event_args: event_args['plugin_name'] = 'light.hue' event_args['light_id'] = light_id event_args['light_name'] = light.get('name') get_bus().post(LightStatusChangeEvent(**event_args)) self.publish_entities([{'id': light_id, **light}]) # type: ignore lights_prev = lights_new finally: self.wait_stop(self.poll_interval)
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