Source code for platypush.plugins.lastfm

import time
from typing import Optional, List

from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action

[docs] class LastfmPlugin(Plugin): """ Plugin to interact with your Last.FM ( account, update your current track and your scrobbles. """
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret, username, password): """ :param api_key: Last.FM API key, see :type api_key: str :param api_secret: Last.FM API secret, see :type api_key: str :param username: Last.FM username :type api_key: str :param password: Last.FM password, used to sign the requests :type api_key: str """ import pylast super().__init__() self.api_key = api_key self.api_secret = api_secret self.username = username self.password = password self.lastfm = pylast.LastFMNetwork( api_key=self.api_key, api_secret=self.api_secret, username=self.username, password_hash=pylast.md5(self.password), )
[docs] @action def scrobble(self, artist, title, album=None): """ Scrobble a track to Last.FM :param artist: Artist :type artist: str :param title: Title :type title: str :param album: Album (optional) :type album: str """ self.lastfm.scrobble( artist=artist, title=title, album=album, timestamp=int(time.time()), )
[docs] @action def update_now_playing(self, artist, title, album=None): """ Update the currently playing track :param artist: Artist :type artist: str :param title: Title :type title: str :param album: Album (optional) :type album: str """ self.lastfm.update_now_playing( artist=artist, title=title, album=album, )
[docs] @action def get_recent_tracks( self, username: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 10, time_from: Optional[int] = None, time_to: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[dict]: """ Get a list of recently played tracks. :param username: Target username (default: the one registered to this plugin). :param limit: Maximum number of tracks to be returned (default: 10). :param time_from: Return tracks starting from this time (as a UNIX timestamp). :param time_to: Return tracks starting up to this time (as a UNIX timestamp). :return: Example: .. code-block:: json [ { "artist": "Led Zeppelin", "title": "Stairway to Heaven", "album": "IV", "timestamp": 1654196137 } ] """ return [ { 'title': track.track.title, 'album': track.album, 'timestamp': int(track.timestamp or 0), **( {'artist':} if track.track.artist else {'artist': None} ), } for track in self.lastfm.get_user( username or self.username ).get_recent_tracks( limit=limit, time_from=time_from, time_to=time_to, ) ]
[docs] @action def get_track(self, artist: str, title: str) -> Optional[dict]: """ Get the information about a track. :param artist: Track artist. :param title: Track title. :return: The retrieved track, with the title corrected if required, if it exists on Last.FM. Example: .. code-block:: json { "artist": "Led Zeppelin", "title": "Stairway to Heaven", "tags": ["rock", "hard rock", "70s"] } """ track = self.lastfm.get_track(artist, title) return { 'title': track.get_correction(), 'tags': track.get_tags(), **({'artist':} if track.artist else {'artist': None}), }
[docs] @action def get_similar_tracks( self, artist: str, title: str, limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[dict]: """ Get the tracks that are similar to a specific track. :param artist: Track artist. :param title: Track title. :param limit: Maximum number of suggested tracks to be returned (default: None). :return: A list of similar tracks, each with a ``match`` score between 0 and 1. Example: .. code-block:: json [ { "artist": "Led Zeppelin", "title": "Black Dog", "score": 1.0 }, { "artist": "Led Zeppelin", "title": "Rock and Roll", "score": 0.89 }, { "artist": "Eagles", "title": "Hotel California", "score": 0.471 }, { "artist": "Deep Purple", "title": "Smoke on the Water", "score": 0.393 } ] """ track = self.lastfm.get_track(artist, title) if not track: return [] return [ { 'artist':, 'title': t.item.title, 'score': t.match, } for t in track.get_similar(limit=limit) ]
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