Source code for platypush.plugins.gps

import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import asdict
from datetime import datetime

from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action
from platypush.message.event.gps import (
from platypush.schemas.gps import GpsDeviceSchema, GpsStatusSchema

from ._model import DeviceMode, GpsDevice, GpsStatus

[docs] class GpsPlugin(RunnablePlugin): """ This plugin can interact with a GPS device compatible with `gpsd <>`_ and emit events when the location changes. It requires ``gpsd`` to run on a system with a compatible GPS device connected - most of the off-the-shelf GPS devices over USB or serial interfaces should tick the box. For example, if your GPS device communicates over USB and is available on /dev/ttyUSB0, you can start the gpsd daemon with the following command before starting Platypush:: [sudo] gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 [-S 2947] It will expose GPS events over the port ``2947`` by default, and you can subscribe to them through this plugin. """ _default_gpsd_port = 2947 _default_poll_interval = 5.0 _lat_lng_tolerance = 1e-5 _alt_tolerance = 0.5
[docs] def __init__( self, gpsd_server: str = 'localhost', gpsd_port: int = _default_gpsd_port, poll_interval: float = _default_poll_interval, enable_on_start: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ :param gpsd_server: gpsd daemon server name/address (default: localhost). :param gpsd_port: Port of the gpsd daemon (default: 2947). :param poll_interval: How long to wait before polling the GPS device again in case of error (default: 5 seconds). :param enable_on_start: If True, the GPS polling will be enabled when the plugin starts (default: True). Otherwise, it'll have to be enabled by calling the :meth:`.enable` action. """ super().__init__(poll_interval=poll_interval, **kwargs) self.gpsd_server = gpsd_server self.gpsd_port = gpsd_port self._enable_on_start = enable_on_start self._session = None self._session_lock = threading.RLock() self._status = GpsStatus()
@contextmanager def _get_session(self): import gps with self._session_lock: if not self._session: self._session = gps.gps( host=self.gpsd_server, port=self.gpsd_port, reconnect=True # type: ignore ) yield self._session with self._session_lock: try: self.disable() except Exception as e: self.logger.warning('Error disabling GPSD watch: %s', e) self._session.close() self._session = None def _update_device(self, device: dict): path = device.get('path') if not path: return cur_dev = self._status.devices.get(path) new_dev = GpsDevice(**GpsDeviceSchema().load(device)) # type: ignore if cur_dev and asdict(cur_dev) == asdict(new_dev): return self._status.devices[path] = new_dev**asdict(new_dev))) def _handle_location_update(self, report: dict): dev, lat, long, alt, mode, t = ( report.get('device'), report.get('lat'), report.get('lon'), report.get('alt'), report.get('mode'), report.get('time'), ) if not (dev and lat and long and mode): return dev_mode = DeviceMode(mode) self._status.timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat(t) if t else None self._status.devices[dev].mode = dev_mode if not ( abs((self._status.latitude or 0) - lat) >= self._lat_lng_tolerance or abs((self._status.longitude or 0) - long) >= self._lat_lng_tolerance or abs((self._status.altitude or 0) - (alt or 0)) >= self._alt_tolerance ): return event = GPSLocationUpdateEvent( device=dev, latitude=lat, longitude=long, altitude=alt,, ) self._status.latitude = lat self._status.longitude = long self._status.altitude = alt def _handle_report(self, report: dict): cls = report['class'].lower() if cls == 'version':'Received GPSD version event: %s', dict(report)) return if cls == 'watch': evt_type = GPSEnabledEvent if report.get('enable') else GPSDisabledEvent return if cls == 'devices': for device in report.get('devices', []): self._update_device(device) return if cls == 'device': self._update_device(report) return if cls == 'tpv': self._handle_location_update(report)
[docs] @action def enable(self): """ Enable the GPS polling. """ import gps assert self._session, 'GPSD session not initialized' | gps.WATCH_NEWSTYLE)
[docs] @action def disable(self): """ Disable the GPS polling. """ import gps assert self._session, 'GPSD session not initialized'
[docs] @action def status(self): """ :returns: The current GPS status: .. schema:: gps.GpsStatusSchema """ return GpsStatusSchema().dump(self._status)
def main(self): while not self.should_stop(): first_run = True try: with self._get_session() as session: if first_run and self._enable_on_start: self.enable() first_run = False while not self.should_stop(): report: dict = # type: ignore self._handle_report(report) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, StopIteration): self.logger.warning( 'GPS service connection lost, check that gpsd is running' ) else: self.logger.exception(e) self.wait_stop(self.poll_interval)
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