Source code for platypush.plugins.gotify

import json
import multiprocessing
from typing import Optional

import requests
import websocket

from platypush.context import get_bus
from platypush.message.event.gotify import GotifyMessageEvent
from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin, action
from platypush.schemas.gotify import GotifyMessageSchema

[docs] class GotifyPlugin(RunnablePlugin): """ Gotify integration. `Gotify <>`_ allows you process messages and notifications asynchronously over your own devices without relying on 3rd-party cloud services. """
[docs] def __init__(self, server_url: str, app_token: str, client_token: str, **kwargs): """ :param server_url: Base URL of the Gotify server (e.g. ``http://localhost``). :param app_token: Application token, required to send message and retrieve application info. You can create a new application under ``http://<server_url>/#/applications``. :param client_token: Client token, required to subscribe to messages. You can create a new client under ``http://<server_url>/#/clients``. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.server_url = server_url self.app_token = app_token self.client_token = client_token self._ws_app: Optional[websocket.WebSocketApp] = None self._state_lock = multiprocessing.RLock() self._connected_event = multiprocessing.Event() self._disconnected_event = multiprocessing.Event() self._ws_listener: Optional[multiprocessing.Process] = None
def _execute(self, method: str, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> dict: method = method.lower() rs = getattr(requests, method)( f'{self.server_url}/{endpoint}', headers={ 'X-Gotify-Key': self.app_token if method == 'post' else self.client_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', **kwargs.pop('headers', {}), }, **kwargs, ) rs.raise_for_status() try: return rs.json() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) def main(self): self._connect() stop_events = [] while not any(stop_events): stop_events = self._should_stop.wait( timeout=1 ), self._disconnected_event.wait(timeout=1) def stop(self): if self._ws_app: self._ws_app.close() self._ws_app = None if self._ws_listener and self._ws_listener.is_alive():'Terminating websocket process') self._ws_listener.terminate() self._ws_listener.join(5) if self._ws_listener and self._ws_listener.is_alive(): self.logger.warning( 'Terminating the websocket process failed, killing the process' ) self._ws_listener.kill() if self._ws_listener: self._ws_listener.join() self._ws_listener = None super().stop() def _connect(self): with self._state_lock: if self.should_stop() or self._connected_event.is_set(): return ws_url = '/'.join( [ self.server_url.split('/')[0].replace('http', 'ws'), *self.server_url.split('/')[1:], ] ) self._ws_app = websocket.WebSocketApp( f'{ws_url}/stream?token={self.client_token}', on_open=self._on_open(), on_message=self._on_msg(), on_error=self._on_error(), on_close=self._on_close(), ) def server(): self._ws_app.run_forever() self._ws_listener = multiprocessing.Process(target=server) self._ws_listener.start() def _on_open(self): def hndl(*_): with self._state_lock: self._disconnected_event.clear() self._connected_event.set()'Connected to the Gotify websocket') return hndl @staticmethod def _on_msg(): def hndl(*args): data = json.loads(args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0]) get_bus().post(GotifyMessageEvent(**GotifyMessageSchema().dump(data))) return hndl def _on_error(self): def hndl(*args): error = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else args[0] ws = args[0] if len(args) > 1 else None self.logger.warning('Gotify websocket error: {}'.format(error)) if ws: ws.close() return hndl def _on_close(self): def hndl(*_): with self._state_lock: self._disconnected_event.set() self._connected_event.clear() self.logger.warning('Gotify websocket connection closed') return hndl
[docs] @action def send_message( self, message: str, title: Optional[str] = None, priority: int = 0, extras: Optional[dict] = None, ): """ Send a message to the server. :param message: Message body (Markdown is supported). :param title: Message title. :param priority: Message priority (default: 0). :param extras: Extra JSON payload to be passed on the message. :return: .. schema:: gotify.GotifyMessageSchema """ return GotifyMessageSchema().dump( self._execute( 'post', 'message', json={ 'message': message, 'title': title, 'priority': priority, 'extras': extras or {}, }, ) )
[docs] @action def get_messages(self, limit: int = 100, since: Optional[int] = None): """ Get a list of the messages received on the server. :param limit: Maximum number of messages to retrieve (default: 100). :param since: Retrieve the message having ``since`` as minimum ID. :return: .. schema:: gotify.GotifyMessageSchema(many=True) """ return GotifyMessageSchema().dump( self._execute( 'get', 'message', params={ 'limit': limit, **({'since': since} if since else {}), }, ).get('messages', []), many=True, )
[docs] @action def delete_messages(self, *ids): """ Delete messages. :param ids: If specified, it deletes the messages matching these IDs. Otherwise, it deletes all the received messages. """ if not ids: self._execute('delete', 'message') return for id in ids: self._execute('delete', f'message/{id}')
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