Source code for platypush.plugins.file.monitor

from typing import Iterable, Dict, Optional, Union, Any

from watchdog.observers import Observer

from platypush.plugins import RunnablePlugin

from .entities.handlers import EventHandler
from .entities.resources import MonitoredResource, MonitoredPattern, MonitoredRegex

[docs] class FileMonitorPlugin(RunnablePlugin): """ A plugin to monitor changes to files and directories. """
[docs] def __init__( self, paths: Iterable[Union[str, Dict[str, Any], MonitoredResource]], **kwargs ): """ :param paths: List of paths to monitor. Paths can either be expressed in any of the following ways: - Simple strings. In this case, paths will be interpreted as absolute references to a file or a directory to monitor. Example: .. code-block:: yaml file.monitor: paths: # Monitor changes on the /tmp folder - /tmp # Monitor changes on /etc/passwd - /etc/passwd - Path with monitoring properties expressed as a key-value object. Example showing the supported attributes: .. code-block:: yaml file.monitor: paths: # Monitor changes on the /tmp folder and its # subfolders - path: /tmp recursive: True - Path with pattern-based search criteria for the files to monitor and exclude. Example: .. code-block:: yaml file.monitor: paths: # Recursively monitor changes on the # ~/my-project folder that include all *.py # files, excluding those whose name starts with # tmp_ and all the files contained in the # __pycache__ folders - path: ~/my-project recursive: True patterns: - "*.py" ignore_patterns: - "tmp_*" ignore_directories: - "__pycache__" - Path with regex-based search criteria for the files to monitor and exclude. Example: .. code-block:: yaml file.monitor: paths: # Recursively monitor changes on the # ~/my-images folder that include all the files # matching a JPEG extension in case-insensitive # mode, excluding those whose name starts with # tmp_ and all the files contained in the # __MACOSX folders - path: ~/my-images recursive: True case_sensitive: False regexes: - '.*\\.jpe?g$' ignore_patterns: - '^tmp_.*' ignore_directories: - '__MACOSX' """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._observer = Observer() self.paths = set() for path in paths: handler = self.event_handler_from_resource(path) if not handler: continue self.paths.add(handler.resource.path) self._observer.schedule( handler, handler.resource.path, recursive=handler.resource.recursive )
[docs] @staticmethod def event_handler_from_resource( resource: Union[str, Dict[str, Any], MonitoredResource] ) -> Optional[EventHandler]: """ Create a file system event handler from a string, dictionary or ``MonitoredResource`` resource. """ if isinstance(resource, str): res = MonitoredResource(resource) elif isinstance(resource, dict): if 'regexes' in resource or 'ignore_regexes' in resource: res = MonitoredRegex(**resource) elif ( 'patterns' in resource or 'ignore_patterns' in resource or 'ignore_directories' in resource ): res = MonitoredPattern(**resource) else: res = MonitoredResource(**resource) else: return None return EventHandler.from_resource(res)
def stop(self): self._observer.stop() self._observer.join() super().stop() def main(self): self._observer.start() self.wait_stop()