Source code for platypush.plugins.entities

from queue import Queue, Empty
from threading import Thread
from time import time
from traceback import format_exception
from typing import Optional, Any, Collection, Mapping

from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import make_transient, Session

from platypush.config import Config
from platypush.context import get_plugin, get_bus
from platypush.entities import (
from platypush.message.event.entities import EntityUpdateEvent, EntityDeleteEvent
from platypush.plugins import Plugin, action

[docs] class EntitiesPlugin(Plugin): """ This plugin is used to interact with native platform entities (e.g. switches, lights, sensors etc.) through a consistent interface, regardless of the integration type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _get_session(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Session: db = get_plugin('db') assert db return db.get_session(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def get( self, types: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, plugins: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, **filter, ): """ Retrieve a list of entities. :param types: Entity types, as specified by the (lowercase) class name and table name. Default: all entities. :param plugins: Filter by plugin IDs (default: all plugins). :param filter: Filter entities with these criteria (e.g. `name`, `id`, `state`, `type`, `plugin` etc.) """ entity_registry = get_entities_registry() selected_types = [] all_types = { e.__tablename__.lower(): e for e in entity_registry # type: ignore } if types: selected_types = {t.lower() for t in types} entity_types = {t: et for t, et in all_types.items() if t in selected_types} invalid_types = selected_types.difference(entity_types.keys()) assert not invalid_types, ( f'No such entity types: {invalid_types}. ' f'Supported types: {list(all_types.keys())}' ) selected_types = entity_types.keys() enabled_plugins = list( { *Config.get_plugins().keys(), *Config.get_backends().keys(), } ) with self._get_session() as session: query = session.query(Entity).filter( or_(Entity.plugin.in_(enabled_plugins), Entity.plugin.is_(None)) ) if selected_types: query = query.filter(Entity.type.in_(selected_types)) if plugins: query = query.filter(Entity.plugin.in_(plugins)) if filter: query = query.filter_by(**filter) return [e.to_json() for e in query.all()]
[docs] @action def scan( self, types: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, plugins: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = 30.0, ): """ (Re-)scan entities and return the updated results. :param types: Filter by entity types (e.g. `switch`, `light`, `sensor` etc.). :param plugins: Filter by plugin names (e.g. `switch.tplink` or `light.hue`). :param timeout: Scan timeout in seconds. Default: 30. """ filter = {} plugin_registry = get_plugin_entity_registry() if plugins: filter['plugins'] = plugins plugin_registry['by_plugin'] = { plugin: plugin_registry['by_plugin'][plugin] for plugin in plugins if plugin in plugin_registry['by_plugin'] } if types: filter['types'] = types filter_entity_types = set(types) plugin_registry['by_plugin'] = { plugin_name: entity_types for plugin_name, entity_types in plugin_registry['by_plugin'].items() if any(t for t in entity_types if t in filter_entity_types) } enabled_plugins = plugin_registry['by_plugin'].keys() def worker(plugin_name: str, q: Queue): try: plugin = get_plugin(plugin_name) assert plugin, f'No such configured plugin: {plugin_name}' # Force a plugin scan by calling the `status` action response = plugin.status() assert not response.errors, response.errors q.put((plugin_name, response.output)) except Exception as e: q.put((plugin_name, e)) q = Queue() start_time = time() results = [] workers = [ Thread(target=worker, args=(plugin_name, q)) for plugin_name in enabled_plugins ] for w in workers: w.start() while len(results) < len(workers) and ( not timeout or (time() - start_time < timeout) ): try: plugin_name, result = q.get(block=True, timeout=0.5) if isinstance(result, Exception): self.logger.warning( 'Could not load results from plugin %s: %s', plugin_name, result ) self.logger.warning( ''.join( format_exception( type(result), value=result, tb=result.__traceback__ ) ) ) else: results.append(result) except Empty: continue if len(results) < len(workers): self.logger.warning('Scan timed out for some plugins') for w in workers: w.join(timeout=max(0, timeout - (time() - start_time)) if timeout else None) return self.get(**filter)
[docs] @action def execute(self, id: Any, action: str, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an action on an entity (for example `on`/`off` on a switch, or `get` on a sensor). :param id: Entity ID (i.e. the entity's db primary key, not the plugin's external or "logical" key) :param action: Action that should be run. It should be a method implemented by the entity's class. :param args: Action's extra positional arguments. :param kwargs: Action's extra named arguments. """ with self._get_session() as session: entity = session.query(Entity).filter_by(id=id).one_or_none() assert entity, f'No such entity ID: {id}' return, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @action def delete(self, *entities: int): # type: ignore """ Delete a set of entity IDs. Note: this should only be done if the entity is no longer available or the associated plugin has been disabled, otherwise the entities will be re-created by the plugins on the next scan. :param entities: IDs of the entities to be removed. :return: The payload of the deleted entities. """ with self._get_session(locked=True) as session: entities: Collection[Entity] = ( session.query(Entity).filter( ) for entity in entities: session.delete(entity) session.commit() for entity in entities: make_transient(entity) get_bus().post(EntityDeleteEvent(entity)) return entities
[docs] @action def rename(self, **entities: Mapping[str, str]): """ Rename a sequence of entities. Renaming, as of now, is actually done by setting the ``.meta.name_override`` property of an entity rather than fully renaming the entity (which may be owned by a plugin that doesn't support renaming, therefore the next entity update may overwrite the name). :param entities: Entity `id` -> `new_name` mapping. """ return self.set_meta( **{ entity_id: {'name_override': name} for entity_id, name in entities.items() } )
[docs] @action def set_meta(self, **entities): """ Update the metadata of a set of entities. :param entities: Entity `id` -> `new_metadata_fields` mapping. :return: The updated entities. """ entities = {str(k): v for k, v in entities.items()} with self._get_session(locked=True) as session: objs = session.query(Entity).filter( for obj in objs: obj.meta = { # type: ignore **dict(obj.meta or {}), # type: ignore **(entities.get(str(, {})), } session.add(obj) session.commit() for obj in objs: make_transient(obj) get_bus().post(EntityUpdateEvent(obj)) return [obj.to_json() for obj in objs]
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