Source code for platypush.backend.tcp

import multiprocessing
import queue
import socket
import threading
from typing import Optional

from platypush.backend import Backend
from platypush.message import Message

[docs] class TcpBackend(Backend): """ Backend that reads messages from a configured TCP port. You can use this backend to send messages to Platypush from any TCP client, for example: .. code-block:: bash $ echo '{"type": "request", "action": "shell.exec", "args": {"cmd": "ls /"}}' | nc localhost 1234 .. warning:: Be **VERY** careful when exposing this backend to the Internet. Unlike the HTTP backend, this backend doesn't implement any authentication mechanisms, so anyone who can connect to the TCP port will be able to execute commands on your Platypush instance. """ # Maximum length of a request to be processed _MAX_REQ_SIZE = 2048
[docs] def __init__(self, port, bind_address=None, listen_queue=5, **kwargs): """ :param port: TCP port number :type port: int :param bind_address: Specify a bind address if you want to hook the service to a specific interface (default: listen for any connections). :type bind_address: str :param listen_queue: Maximum number of queued connections (default: 5) :type listen_queue: int """ super().__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__, **kwargs) self.port = port self.bind_address = bind_address or '' self.listen_queue = listen_queue self._accept_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._srv: Optional[multiprocessing.Process] = None
def _process_client(self, sock, address): def _f(): processed_bytes = 0 open_brackets = 0 msg = b'' prev_ch = None while not self.should_stop(): if processed_bytes > self._MAX_REQ_SIZE: self.logger.warning( 'Ignoring message longer than {} bytes from {}'.format( self._MAX_REQ_SIZE, address[0] ) ) return ch = sock.recv(1) processed_bytes += 1 if ch == b'': break if ch == b'{' and prev_ch != b'\\': open_brackets += 1 if not open_brackets: continue msg += ch if ch == b'}' and prev_ch != b'\\': open_brackets -= 1 if not open_brackets: break prev_ch = ch if msg == b'': return msg ='Received request from %s: %s', msg, address[0]) self.on_message(msg) response = self.get_message_response(msg)'Processing response on the TCP backend: %s', response) if response: sock.send(str(response).encode()) def _f_wrapper(): try: _f() finally: sock.close() threading.Thread(target=_f_wrapper, name='TCPListener').start() def _accept_process(self, serv_sock: socket.socket): while not self.should_stop(): try: (sock, address) = serv_sock.accept() self._accept_queue.put((sock, address)) except socket.timeout: continue
[docs] def run(self): super().run() self.register_service(port=self.port) serv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serv_sock.bind((self.bind_address, self.port)) serv_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) serv_sock.settimeout(0.5) 'Initialized TCP backend on port %s with bind address %s', self.port, self.bind_address, ) serv_sock.listen(self.listen_queue) self._srv = multiprocessing.Process( target=self._accept_process, args=(serv_sock,) ) self._srv.start() while not self.should_stop(): try: sock, address = self._accept_queue.get(timeout=1) except (socket.timeout, queue.Empty): continue'Accepted connection from client %s', address[0]) self._process_client(sock, address) if self._srv: self._srv.kill() self._srv.join() self._srv = None'TCP backend terminated')
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