
class platypush.plugins.todoist.TodoistPlugin(api_token: str, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Plugin

Todoist integration.


  • todoist-python (pip install todoist-python)

You’ll also need a Todoist token. You can get it here <>.

__init__(api_token: str, **kwargs)[source]#

api_token – Todoist API token. You can get it here <>.

add_item(content: str, project_id: int | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Add a new item.

archive(item_id: int)[source]#

Archive an item by id.

complete_item(item_id: int)[source]#

Mark an item as done.

delete_item(item_id: int)[source]#

Delete an item by id.

get_collaborators() TodoistCollaboratorsResponse[source]#

Get list of collaborators.

get_filters() TodoistFiltersResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist filters.

get_items() TodoistItemsResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist projects.

get_live_notifications() TodoistLiveNotificationsResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist live notifications.

get_notes() TodoistNotesResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist notes.

get_project_notes() TodoistProjectNotesResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist project notes.

get_projects() TodoistProjectsResponse[source]#

Get list of Todoist projects.

get_user() TodoistUserResponse[source]#

Get logged user info.


Sync/update info with the remote server.

unarchive(item_id: int)[source]#

Un-archive an item by id.

uncomplete_item(item_id: int)[source]#

Mark an item as not done.

update_item(item_id: int, **kwargs)[source]#

Update an item by id.